Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He merely strengthens the conclusions of the three wise men , who think that there may have been some recent decline but who certainly did not atribute it to the national curriculum , as the hon. Gentleman did .
2 It will not cover me for the hearing .
3 The Plan can not cover you during the first 24 months for any existing medical condition you may be suffering from or have received treatment for in the two years prior taking out the Plan .
4 This , of course , did not affect me at the time !
5 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
6 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
7 He became concerned when he could not locate him on the premises , because Mr Jowett was due to take over the lambing .
8 This suggests that something is amiss with the job definition and , by implication , also with education and training which does not prepare them for the reality .
9 The most frequent trigger to that crisis was career blockage , the realization that they , with the vast majority , would not make it to the top .
10 Some hard-pressed commuters may not make it to the end of the line . )
11 But let me tell you now about just a few of those entries which did not make it to the final but which , nevertheless , had several redeeming features .
12 The model does not make it over the top of the loop and starts to fall inverted .
13 Tie the aircraft down with fixed pickets — concrete blocks and flimsy corkscrew pickets do not make it in the tiedown stakes .
14 They might not make 'em on a Sunday
15 do you not want me in the house .
16 Who knows what the exact situation will be and what problems will arise as those changes are forced upon the Scottish people who did not want them in the first place ?
17 We do not want it in the dictionary .
18 The sort of people who wanted a house that size these days did not want it in the high street of a market town , and this young woman surely would not have the income to keep it up .
19 For this reason , the fact that three of the forty women had paid domestic help does not disqualify them from the title ‘ housewife ’ .
20 Thirdly , and consequentially , I argued that the elements of harmful consequences liability which are exhibited by the criminal law do not disqualify it from the status of positive moral order , because conventional morality ( as opposed to the critical morality of Kant or Smith , for example ) incorporates a notion of moral luck and indeed our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without some such idea .
21 If the commissioner finds maladministration and the authority does not remedy it to the satisfaction of the complainant , there is no way in which the complainant can pursue the matter further .
22 ‘ I no longer want full government funding from a government that is going to be dictatorial as hell , which is not to say I would not prefer it under a government of a different kind . ’
23 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
24 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
25 ‘ You need not treat me like a half-witted child ! ’
26 Do not treat me like an idiot . ’
27 It was a lot stronger than I had imagined and so I did not treat it with the necessary respect .
28 In Ball , above , the court mentioned the " aimed at " doctrine but did not treat it as a separate element .
29 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
30 The courts recognise these limitations , which are inherent in any system of taking evidence abroad ahead of the trial , but can not regard them as a sufficient objection to the making of the order .
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