Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pers pn] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ May we not lend you a mount , Miss Abbott ? ’
2 They should not think her a woman who had let herself go .
3 But that support , which the Nobel committee acknowledges , does not make her a guerrilla .
4 But Mrs Gandhi never forgave Khan 's opposition to her scrapping the privy purses , and to his regret she did not make him a minister .
5 That did not make him a criminal under section 14 .
6 It is often said that unfettered insider dealing does not hurt shareholders ; that insiders ' profits are not outsiders ' losses , but rather evidence of a more efficient allocation of resources ; Just because an investor does not make as much money on the sale of his shares as he would otherwise have done , does not make him a victim in the true sense , as nothing has been stolen from him .
7 ( I may believe Jesus ' teaching to have been exemplary , or that he was a man singularly in tune with God ; but this , as I would argue , does not make me a Christian . )
8 But again this does not make me a Christian .
9 ‘ These will not make you a courtier , Roger , but at least you wo n't be a beggar ! ’
10 You may enjoy talking but this does not make you a wizard at verbal presentations .
11 This may sound impossible , but if there is a distinct possibility that this will eventually be needed , why not make it a goal to begin establishing such a fund now ?
12 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
13 Merely exhibiting a sample during the negotiations will not make it a sale by sample unless the parties agree that it is a sale by sample .
14 Although he was wary of commenting on a specific meeting , Mr Hyde said the company ‘ would not make it a matter of policy to say we have been in contact or received authorisation , if that had n't been the case ’ .
15 Blacks need to realise that affirmative action can not solve their most serious problems , whites need to remember that affirmative action does not make it an advantage to be born black .
16 WHATEVER the home unions committee may care to think , the team who performed with great distinction in Paris are Lions to a man — and if the powers-that-be will not grant them the honour with a large ‘ L ’ they can hardly begrudge it with a small one .
17 Since dancing can not earn them a living , Chela and Urna are into self-help , and it is as humiliating in personal terms as any perceived national , cultural subservience to the US .
18 Since dancing can not earn them a living , Chela and Urna are into self-help , and it is as humiliating in personal terms as any perceived national , cultural subservience to the US .
19 Since dancing can not earn them a living , Chela and Urna are into self-help , and it is as humiliating in personal terms as any perceived national , cultural subservience to the US .
20 We did lose four equity partners along the way and had to borrow £300,000 to repay their capital accounts , but , with a turnover of around £2m , we did not consider it a problem . ’
21 He followed her up to the bar and she heard him noisily latching on to Riley who , she was positive , would not buy him a drink .
22 and it 's on minimum premiums , you 've got a little bit of a discount there , but again , bearing in mind nine pound sixty might not buy them the cover they want .
23 Yet this did not bring us the surrender we hoped for .
24 Even though the story reverberated through the Highlands , there is no evidence that either Boswell or Johnson knew the tale — had they done so , Boswell might have been less merry with his lubricious reasons as to why the woman would not show them the bedroom .
25 She said : ‘ Claire did not show me the power of attorney … nor did she tell me that I had been made Michael 's attorney . ’
26 Take her to Nicosia , but only if you will not do her the service of remaining here , in this town , at her side . ’
27 Rovers enjoyed a heavy advantage in penalties before half-time but it did not do them a lot of good .
28 A tough looker is not necessarily a tough fighter , and we should not do him the favour of allowing his warpaint to add to our problems .
29 Can you not do it the coffee break ?
30 The pope did not send him a pallium until June 634 and , given the long-standing papal concern with the well-being of the church of Canterbury , a three-year interval between Honorius ' appointment and the sending of a pallium would seem to be rather a long time .
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