Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun sg] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That being so , why not eliminate lead from petrol ?
2 We do not advocate routine use of a laryngeal mask in anaesthesia to control tonsillar haemorrhage as it does not guarantee protection from aspiration of blood and gastric contents .
3 We have forgotten how to read the winds or easily find directions from the stars ; we do not know any more how to read the landscape , and you , Creggan , can not recognize friend from enemy among our own kind .
4 We can not separate politics from community action , no matter what we try to do about it , no matter how idealistic we may be .
5 We can not separate power from sex .
6 He was troubled , I could see , because , being unable to share these memories , he could not disentangle truth from fiction or creative embellishment from accurate detail .
7 If the help of foreign governments was even suspected , the rebels might not get money from Congress .
8 ‘ However , the game is not yet over and , if you 'll accept my apologies , we still can not discern friend from foe . ’
9 Literary analysis can not extrapolate content from form , and form is determined not by content but by other forms .
10 The man does n't know history from histrionics .
11 She reported that her supper had been a few broad beans swimming in oil , that the bread was stale and that she had been put under a woman who did n't know starch from steam .
12 ‘ Richardson would n't know cocaine from soap powder . ’
13 You could n't distinguish German from ice .
14 Reportedly it ca n't get performance from 16-bit Windows applications running on NT , and admits there 's no real point in trying to do it .
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