Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun sg] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can not make peace with dictators , you have to destroy them , ’ Nelson asserts at one point for the benefit of inattentive members of the audience .
2 That most German people did not want war with England was true by almost every account of neutral witnesses .
3 In a separate move the Chinese premier , Li Peng , who attacked Mr Patten earlier , returned to the fray , saying China did not want confrontation with Britain but the UK was putting ‘ obstacles ’ in the way of talks to try and defuse the row .
4 Vitrinite reflectance is a temperature ( and therefore depth ) dependent parameter which does not undergo retrogression with uplift .
5 Thus the silk industry of Valencia , frequently noted by travellers as one of the most promising features of the economy , apart from a period of prosperity between 1835 and 1852 , remained relatively stagnant throughout the nineteenth century ; in the late eighteenth century a technically advanced industry , in the nineteenth it could not keep pace with Lyons .
6 In the 1970s the real price of cigarettes fell about 30% because cigarette taxation did not keep pace with inflation .
7 At the same time the quality of cattle was declining and any increase in their numbers did not keep pace with demand .
8 Unlike housing and education , health policies were remarkable for their continuity in the 1980s and the NHS finished the decade battered round the edges but largely intact : still the overwhelming supplier of health care in spite of the growth in the independent sector ; still tax-funded and for the most part free at the point of use ; still growing in real terms even though that did not keep pace with demand in the view of critics .
9 There is now widespread evidence that the transport infrastructure can not keep pace with growth , and the Confederation of British Industry argues that traffic congestion is now costing the country some £15bn a year .
10 The boys with whom I associated would not keep company with Journeymen excepting in their workshops , nor with lads whose fathers were not housekeepers . "
11 But we must not confound motive with consideration .
12 Most hobbies cost some money , some a great deal , why not occupy time with machine knitting ?
13 ‘ My daughter does not have patience with memories .
14 One would not want to suggest that the academics who contribute to the New Accents series ( or who write similar texts ) can not read French with ease .
15 Men do not share support with child care simply because so few of them are responsible for the care of children , and so on .
16 It is doubtful whether Kierkegaard himself held this view , certainly by the time of his last and great work Concluding Unscientific Postscript , where he insisted that ‘ faith must not rest content with unintelligibility ’ .
17 To give more effective stripping , 3M has designed a special Stripping Tool which , unlike wire wool , will not stain wood with rust spots , while also speeding up stripping on flat surfaces .
18 A single , introverted individual who was self-catering and whose job did not require contact with others would be able to live like this .
19 Under the scheme proposed here , young people would gain the wage-packet , would not lose contact with education ( they would be in college or school , initially for two days a week ) and would have gained an employer interested in developing their skills .
20 As one of Rodin 's most celebrated works , The Kiss did not find favour with public opinion in the USA in the 1880s , which decided that the nude marble sculpture was far too hot for public viewing and had it confined to a special room .
21 The group discussions ( Appendix II ) , which concentrated on people who it has been suggested might face difficulty getting credit because their backgrounds might not find favour with lenders , again showed very little sign that even ‘ problem ’ customers are often refused credit which they try to get .
22 I wonder who first decided that we should n't eat mustard with lamb ?
23 Indeed , her father had shocked her by breaking this silence and by advising her , when she went up to Cambridge , not to join the Communist Party ; a joke 's a joke , he told her , but you do n't want trouble with visas if ever you want to go to America .
24 ‘ You ca n't mix business with friendship , ’ Jane–urged , ‘ and anyway the friendship is n't that close .
25 Still , learn from experience : and the moral of this story is : do n't mix business with pleasure .
26 ‘ Look , I know that one should n't mix business with pleasure , but if I asked you again , would you come out with me ? ’
27 ‘ I 'm surprised you do n't take lunch with Mike 's secretary , ’ Rob remarked , holding open the door .
28 You clearly ca n't have sex with fellas you ai n't fond of .
29 So you know there 's the , do n't link aggression with assertion , two difference .
30 I ca n't stand tea with sugar in it .
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