Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 As far as he was concerned , homosexuality did not exist north of Hampstead ( or perhaps south of it , either ) and despite the fact that its local manifestation was sitting in front of him he would not be convinced .
2 The comparatively puny damages of £1,000 ( the cost of a dozen bottles of champagne at the expensive nightclub where the affair had begun ) and the public ridicule suffered by all parties may serve to remind editors of the wisdom of the adage that " dog does not eat dog in Fleet Street " .
3 John , whose Gospel scheme does not include , except by implication , the story of what the church , equipped with the Holy Spirit , achieved , and therefore could not make room for Pentecost ( as Luke does at the outset of his second volume ) , nevertheless makes the same point with considerable clarity In the first chapter of his Gospel he stresses that the Spirit rests exclusively upon Jesus , the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of the Old Testament for the bearer of the Spirit .
4 It has been suggested that because Rolle does not make use of Richard of St Victor 's fourth stage , insatiabilis the love that can never be satisfied because of the inexhaustible nature of God , he did not in fact enter so profound a mystical experience as others .
5 That most German people did not want war with England was true by almost every account of neutral witnesses .
6 In a separate move the Chinese premier , Li Peng , who attacked Mr Patten earlier , returned to the fray , saying China did not want confrontation with Britain but the UK was putting ‘ obstacles ’ in the way of talks to try and defuse the row .
7 Use of prednisolone , however , did not influence synthesis of LTB 4 .
8 Rafe Straker , like many of the original white settlers of the Bahamas , had been an American loyalist who could not stomach life under George Washington .
9 The Framingham Study , in 1974 , reported a 16-year follow-up of diabetic patients but did not include measurement of HDL or LDL cholesterol .
10 In the New Testament those who do not enjoy salvation in Christ are regarded as slaves of sin ( John 8:34 ; Rom. 7:14 ) .
11 Even if it were true that the war is over and the Serbs have won , victory will not bring stability to Bosnia & Hercegovina .
12 The Druze leader , Walid Jumblatt , said in Amman yesterday that the Taif deal would not bring peace to Lebanon and that , although he did not intend to block it , he would not accept it either .
13 exist in nearly all AIDS patients but do not prevent progression of HIV disease .
14 No one thought the speaker should have added that they would not hew wood for Lord Salisbury ; the divisions within the Council which would become so painfully evident over the Boer War were between Gladstonian Liberals and Liberal Imperialists , with the odd Liberal Unionist added for decoration , not between Liberals and Conservatives .
15 Although our sexual practices are considered to be a low risk for HIV transmission , being a lesbian does not provide immunity from HIV .
16 Ecgberht 's two sons , Eadric and Wihtred , must have been very young in 673 — infants of perhaps 2 or 3 years of age — and Ecgberht 's brother , Hlothhere , did not become king of Kent until 674 .
17 Hilarion 's discovery of Albrecht 's sword and later his confrontation with Giselle , with the sword in his hands , still does not convince Giselle of Albrecht 's duplicity .
18 Thus the silk industry of Valencia , frequently noted by travellers as one of the most promising features of the economy , apart from a period of prosperity between 1835 and 1852 , remained relatively stagnant throughout the nineteenth century ; in the late eighteenth century a technically advanced industry , in the nineteenth it could not keep pace with Lyons .
19 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
20 Thus the car did not belong to the customer who therefore could not transfer ownership to X.
21 It may be that Aethelwald 's genealogy does not survive because his family did not claim descent from Ida and it is possible that he was descended from Oswine of Deira .
22 He was taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital suffering from head injuries and did not regain consciousness until Saturday .
23 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
24 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
25 The selection of members was a slow business and the Commission did not begin work until February 1978 .
26 Defending the use of out-of-date prices , he said : ‘ You can not levy tax from April 1 , 1993 and make your valuations on March 31 . ’
27 For a person to become a registered foreign lawyer it is necessary that his or her profession be one approved by the Law Society , and that its rules do not prohibit partnership in England and Wales with solicitors .
28 Odd that Johnson did not take note of Strichen , whose development was in full swing when he called there for his Wednesday lunch .
29 The ANC conference held in Johannesburg on Dec. 14-16 ended with a commitment to continue negotiations but with a threat to suspend them if the government did not take action before April 30 , 1991 , to halt township violence , release all political prisoners , allow exiles to return , repeal remaining " repressive " legislation and halt political trials .
30 I would not take office under MacDonald , and yet it would have been impossible to have refused .
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