Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The 18-hole course , while still immature , is improving at a rapid pace , though , after a summer of near-drought , it would benefit from a long soaking , which is not to detract from its considerable potential .
2 He had no real gift for the dramatic and could not to contend with his young competitor Joshua Reynolds in the Grand Manner .
3 How they used to ask him not to go to their posh prep school , but to meet them in the town .
4 I told my mother where I had been without explanation as to why I had chosen not to go to our own church , and she said nothing .
5 Three hundred years after the events , our Irish nurses were still being exhorted not to consort with their British patients but to remember Drogheda and Wexford .
6 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
7 In Latin America , in North and South Africa , in some parts of Asia , and in the Australasian colonies , there had been tentative beginnings to railway-building in the middle of the century , but the great explosion of lines was not to come until its last decade .
8 Annie Roseberry claims not to worry about what other companies are up to .
9 Through the thin cotton of her top she could feel their animal warmth , melting her flesh , thawing her own hard-made resolution not to succumb to his practised seduction .
10 If we are very angry or excited , we tend not to listen to what other people are saying .
11 Sets of spaces found not to conform to their specified relationships can be redefined or repositioned in order to reestablish those relationships .
12 Thousands of East German troops urged their comrades in the Romanian forces not to fire on their fellow citizens peacefully demanding their human rights .
13 You asked me to consult you , not to buy at my own discretion , as before .
14 It was impossible not to stare at him all the time .
15 More than most , BMW is very careful not to tread on its own toes when it comes to cabin size .
16 Indeed the clause in dispute in Walford v Miles was a lock-out clause in that it represented an undertaking by the vendor not to negotiate with anyone other than the purchaser .
17 He made , in effect , a promise not to insist on his strict legal rights .
18 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
19 1.2 The employee 's duty not to compete in his spare time As a general rule an employee can not compete with his employer in his spare time without being in breach of his duty of fidelity .
20 When the Military Service Act was introduced in January 1916 , the Labour Party Conference , while dissenting , agreed not to campaign for its reappeal , thus enabling the Party leader , Arthur Henderson , to remain in the Coalition Government .
21 Once , if addressed in such a tone , he would have denied his hunger stiffly , even while it stared nakedly out of his eyes ; but now it seemed he had learned sense enough not to climb on his high horse quite so easily and unprofitably .
22 Some of the anthropologists chose not to refer to their ethnographic experience but to address more general issues of methodology and definition ( Carrithers , Campbell , Heelas ) , but the majority of the papers are embedded in the particularity of an ethnographic setting .
23 She tried not to think of her overdrawn bank account and the credit cards she must n't use .
24 Trying not to think about her possible reaction , Henry loaded cured fish , offal , red meat and a bold assortment of vegetables he had never even heard of , let alone eaten .
25 They are , in brief , hard-working and somewhat stressed ; feel dissatisfied with the job they are doing ( or at least bits of it ) ; confused about what they should be doing but wanting to change in the direction of greater impact and relevance of what they do ; have no clear idea how to go about it ; do not feel optimistic about things getting better ; are worried about the amount of emotional energy the job takes up ; and mostly do the best they can , try not to think about it all too much , and hang on till the holidays .
26 Their Lordships endorse this statement of the manner in which the court should exercise its exceptional jurisdiction to halt criminal proceedings and , except in one respect , they prefer not to offer for their own account any further exploration of the prior authorities .
27 All the objects around her appeared not to care about her tragic history .
28 Lionel had mentioned her only once : ‘ Florence , Flora rather — we had to be careful not to ask of her more than she could give — ’ and had left Lily to puzzle out the meaning .
29 This is vital if we are to continue to lose weight and inches at a satisfactory rate , and essential if we are not to return to our previous shape .
30 And a Liverpool painter 's son , who after his father died ‘ was brought up with me grandmother ’ , calling her ‘ mother ’ , chose not to return to his real mother when she remarried and could offer him a home again : ‘ They 'd brought me up , and it would n't be fair for them to take me after from rearing me . ’
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