Example sentences of "not [v-ing] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I think we tend to eat much faster , if you like , and , and to take more snacks , and I think it 's interesting that the rise of the use of a coffee table ties in a lot with the rise of people having televisions in their front rooms , because introducing the television made all kinds of changes into , just the way people arrange their chairs , not centring them round the fire any more , and a coffee table 's a very neat addition to that kind of arrangement .
2 Given then that all public sector organizations will keep meticulous records of debtors , it is hard to see that much effort is saved by not incorporating them in the double entry .
3 For though princes might now punish delinquent vassals or officials ( see pp. 360 , 286 ) , there was solid political sense in not subjecting them to the same penalties as lesser men .
4 And they 're not getting them at the moment .
5 In a day-long hearing students who oppose the plan say academics broke college rules by not consulting them about the plan .
6 and I 've we 've taken the the old settee down to Carrie 's and moved the two seater and the armchair down this end and they flew in tonight straight up on the sofa , I said to it 's gon na be tough for a week or so but they 've got ta get used to staying on the floor , I 'm not having them on the furniture all the time cos they just absolutely ruin it !
7 You 're not putting them in the car boot sale mum .
8 ‘ We should be encouraging more shoppers into the town not luring them to the edges . ’
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