Example sentences of "not [v-ing] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The producers of films should be aiming to bring pleasure and entertainment , not pandering to the lowest savage instinct , however profitable that may be .
2 The Government give as reason for not reverting to the 1988 arrangements the small number of convictions previously secured .
3 By which time you 're not listening to the other things they 're saying .
4 He went on staring at the television screen , not listening to the next item , but trying to work out the puzzle .
5 Not according to the highest authority .
6 A somewhat unusual system one might think : but not according to the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno of 1931 .
7 No , I am not going to a fancy dress party , but to work .
8 Companies not replying to the initial transmittal letter should be contacted only to establish if the letter has not been received , in which case a copy can be sent .
9 However , the form of section 2(2) means that with regard to liability for animals not belonging to a dangerous species the position will be fundamentally the same as at common law , since the damage must be of a kind made likely by the characteristics known to the keeper .
10 The man 's fastidiousness over money marked him as one not belonging to the mendicant class , and on the way to the doctor 's John asked him about himself .
11 At a time of growing interest in the art of cultures and societies which do not form part of the Western tradition , the Los Angeles County Museum is mounting an exhibition which will examine the affinities between modern and contemporary art and the work of naive or untrained painters not belonging to the sophisticated infrastructure of galleries , museums and other international art activities .
12 In this case what keeps them apart is not belonging to the same sex , rather , it is simply a condition of life that in no human relationship can two persons ‘ fuse ’ into one .
13 As the early church came to see that history was not coming to an immediate end , they also saw some permanent ministerial structure was needed .
14 All Governments have failed in many respects in not giving to the British Council and the BBC World Service the resources that they merit .
15 Very tasty this , ’ he went on ( not alluding to the succulent Gill ) .
16 THE National Examination Board is concerned that some Tutors are not conforming to the national pattern in this manner .
17 Under his direction , the Ulster Constitution Defence Committee maintained its traditional line that O'Neill was not responding to the legitimate demands of a disadvantaged section of the population , but giving in to the demands of rebels who would never be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of Northern Ireland .
18 In the South , protestant loyalists are accused of subverting the wishes of the majority in the island by not consenting to a united Ireland .
19 ‘ For the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) and without limiting the grounds upon which it may be established that consent to sexual intercourse is vitiated — ; ( a ) a person who consents to sexual intercourse with another person — ; ( i ) under a mistaken belief as to the identity of the other person ; or ( ii ) under a mistaken belief that the other person is married to the person , … shall be deemed not to consent to the sexual intercourse ; ( b ) a person who knows that another person consents to sexual intercourse under a mistaken belief referred to in paragraph ( a ) shall be deemed to know that the other person does not consent to the sexual intercourse ; ( c ) a person who submits to sexual intercourse with another person as a result of threats or terror , whether the threats are against , or the terror is instilled in , the person who submits to the sexual intercourse or any other person , shall be regarded as not consenting to the sexual intercourse ; and ( d ) a person who does not offer actual physical resistance to sexual intercourse shall not , by reason only of that fact , be regarded as consenting to the sexual intercourse . ’
20 Some hon. Members believe that the Tories have got themselves into a spot of bother in Scotland , and we are not referring to the occasional by-election disaster such as occurred in Kincardine and Deeside recently , or even to the reduction of Scottish Tory representation in the House to the completely inadequate level of nine .
21 His subsequent disclaimer that he was not referring to the British nuclear deterrent , which was closely integrated in the Strategic Air Command 's target planning , but to de Gaulle 's Force de Frappe , lacked conviction — it was too near the truth for British comfort !
22 I am not referring to the conservative perspective which condemns sexual deviance per se , but to another viewpoint , one which might actually endorse deviance in principle , at least if it were seen as a quest for authentic selfhood of the kind explored in Chapter 3 .
23 He 'd then offered to come back with her , so that she was n't returning to an empty house alone , at which point — running out of soothing phrases and patience — she 'd told him that alone was exactly what she wanted to be .
24 ‘ Ah shee-it , I ai n't going to no mad doctor and gettin' mah pecker all X-rayed .
25 Whether or not , as Heath reported , the Vietnamese were turning increasingly to the US for advice and assistance in a situation where the Governor of Annam was n't speaking to the Prime Minister — who was being kept on .
26 I think this is a deal that could have been done ; we just were n't getting to the finishing line quickly enough .
27 She was n't clinging to the steatopygous Stu , though she held his arm , it 's true .
28 As soon as it arrived , one of the staff thought there was something unusual about it , and he was n't referring to the missing wing .
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