Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They are not binding on the judges , but they have a persuasive authority where judicial choice is possible .
2 It is not binding on the courts , although it remains a treaty obligation for the Government to ensure that the law conforms with it .
3 In December 1947 , for example , when they had agreed a memorandum on Area Board organisation , Randall , the London Board chairman , insisted that it should be a purely advisory document not binding on the areas ; and some degree of variation in local organisation did in fact emerge .
4 Unless otherwise agreed , the findings of the expert(s) are not binding on the parties : they may be recommendations for the future performance of the contract .
5 Because of their different activity time clock , the owls are not competing with the hawks for the same food animals at the same time and can therefore co-exist .
6 But we 're not pandering it 's not pandering to the kids !
7 Brownie Owl continued : ‘ I think Farmer Bolsover is mostly afraid that we might do damage to his crops by not keeping to the paths , or taking a fancy to the fruit in his orchard . ’
8 Lord Lyon King of Arms , ultimate authority in these matters , declared that the arms were part of the fabric of the building and not relating to the occupants .
9 I think it 's sometimes falsely represented as being academic or being unreal or as not relating to the masses of women 's lives , and it 's out of my own experience I just want to be clear about this , it 's out of my own experience as an incest survivor , as a pornography survivor , my father worked in the porn industry , that I came to revolutionary feminism .
10 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
11 Cuckoos came into the discussion as an example of parasites not living inside the bodies of their hosts .
12 The next three days were spent not looking at the buildings and architecture of gay Paree but for a mythical Adidas Centre which one of my mates overheard someone talking about in hushed tones in a Liverpool snug .
13 Not looking at the cows , but keeping her eyes fixed straight ahead , she pushed her bike past them and then on to the footpath .
14 But these are no reasons for not looking through the accounts , and making sure that all we can give is turned to real advantage .
15 I think you know I was con trying to concentrate on getting the facts over and doing it properly and not listening for the comments so much and thinking more you know what , what can I get out of this here erm
16 You 're going on er you 're not listening to the answers , you 're going too fast .
17 No , I 'm sorry , I 'm sorry , you 're not listening to the complaints of people , I am .
18 Roskill J said that B was in breach of an implied duty in : ( a ) not communicating to the plaintiffs ' board the information which he received from the patent agents and in taking no steps to protect the plaintiffs against possible consequences of the existence of the patent ; and ( b ) using information regarding the patent for his own benefit .
19 By a notice of appeal dated 18 February 1991 the second defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that the judge erred ( 1 ) in concluding that the first defendant was not acting as the plaintiffs ' agent when he procured the signature of the second defendant to the legal charge dated 3 July 1987 ; and ( 2 ) in not finding that the execution of the charge was procured by the undue influence and material misrepresentation of the first defendant and thereby in not setting aside the charge .
20 But manager Jim Nelson is certainly not trembling at the knees .
21 New ways of coping can be shared , and solutions to problems can be found based on the values and ideas of their generation , not according to the views and attitudes of the modern world .
22 Yet we can not have a cut because interest rates are now set , not according to the needs of our domestic economy , but for the sole purpose of propping up the pound in its ERM band , thus prolonging the recession .
23 Contemporary art is not pulling in the crowds
24 You 're not paying above the odds for the car , or the insurance premium for that matter .
25 They could n't tell you off for not turning off the lights but you were n't meant to be out of your dorm or even out of bed .
26 Then what have you to say to my argument , which is that by not going off the rails , man is destined to live meanly and dully , and in that way corrupts the true purpose of his being on earth ?
27 It 's not going off the rails
28 For the first time she was really listening , not going through the motions of an argument .
29 Well , no actually cos I 'm not going I 'm not going up the stairs
30 ‘ Let's say that Ah 'm not going to the police or anybody in authority .
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