Example sentences of "not [vb pp] in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What I might actually do it see if Ian 's not doing anything if he not come in for the full time that they 're cleaning up , but come in for those sort of things .
2 She had not looked in on the gallery this visit .
3 This power can be exercised only in cases where the application is not called in by the secretary of state himself .
4 Even if the loan is not called in by the investors , there are likely to be other implications .
5 In most cases the discrepancy arises because " legitimacy " ( a social concept ) is not tied in with the issue of who is the biological parent of the child .
6 The spokeswoman for the mission said : ’ Recognition not tied in to the negotiating process is not a sensible thing right now . ’
7 The wall was not tied in to the end gables .
8 Coats , bags and shoes were to be left in the corridors and not brought in to the hall .
9 The drawing suggests how a sector of resources has been ignored and is not linked in to the over-all plan .
10 I had also discovered that I had not put in with the ‘ essential documents ’ a vital letter — the one which contained Kathy and Len 's address , so here I was arriving in Perth , knowing nobody and without an address to go to !
11 Somewhat surprising is the fact that the longest hours are not put in by the women with the largest number of children .
12 For a moment she 'd been on the verge of telling Penny why she was in such a hurry , but the moment passed , and she was glad she had n't given in to the impulse .
13 I 've trained her , but she has n't gone in for the exams .
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