Example sentences of "not [vb pp] up [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You will appreciate that as Chairman I have not given up the fight to get as much financial aid and help as is possible to keep our heads above water ; we must fight to keep all that we hold dear and promote the Medau that we all benefit from both in health and fitness , and as teachers , financially .
2 Certainly Ferguson has not given up the ghost of trying to land the Championship .
3 She has still not given up the search , but she fears some animals are exported to Ireland or to the continent .
4 I treated myself to a night in the Ceilidh Place ; I had not given up the habit of including the dangly earrings and the flowery trousers in the rucksack .
5 ‘ In fact , it was about the only game in which I 've not picked up a knock since the start of the season .
6 Fairbrother had not picked up the emphasis in that suggestion , and Richard decided to let it go .
7 Irina however had not picked up the seriousness of his last words .
8 As Peugeot has not pushed up the prices of these new models compared to the old , the PC 553 ERP represents pretty good value for money .
9 Before papa died she had been a child , spoiled and cosseted and it was a pity she had not grown up a bit more quickly .
10 It was also evident that they had not weighed up the consequences .
11 And she just knew that , if she had not brought up the subject of Tony , he would have invited her to join him in his walk along the shore .
12 And er I think i we thought from that well why not set up a women 's support group and er see what the reaction was really from from the women you know and an I and we said in that lodge meeting will you ask everybody all the women that you know that er are involved , the friends the girlfriends and wives , to come along the next Tuesday and we 'd have a meeting of our own .
13 I today did you do one bulls eye no not cut up the thing and say which sport does this person belong to might get a picture of Rob Andrews see if they stick rugby or tennis on .
14 At about 2.15 , someone from the Cardiff side threw the first stone , then the bricks started flying : if they could n't get at each other on land , then they could always fight a missile war and there was plenty of ammo flying around : the workmen who put the fence in had not swept up the chunks of broken concrete around the supports .
15 I 've not fixed up the date yet .
16 She was grateful that Sylvie had not taken up the Princesse 's invitation to join them for the holidays and , a little guiltily , that Leo had n't either .
17 So far — perhaps because of difficulty in finding a sufficiently masochistic emissary — the Americans have not taken up the suggestion .
18 Meanwhile New Scientist understands that ministers have not taken up the offer of the Greenfield committee to hold further meetings to consider the issues of generic drugs further .
19 The export market has not taken up the slack , so redundancies are coming thick and fast .
20 Eight years ago , the council gave Burton Property Trust permission to build a multi-storey car park as part of the Cornmill but it has not taken up the option .
21 He did n't make it to the course on the next day , was sacked , and always maintained that if he had n't given up the drink for those ten days or so and ‘ dried out ’ he would not have got so drunk , would have been on the course at the appointed time , would not have lost his job , and would have have carried for yet another Open Champion .
22 He has n't given up the practice but he 's , he 's still a partner and he does a large weekend duty for us all
23 GPU has n't given up the courtroom entirely .
24 But , of course , Dad had had all sorts of minor affairs and that had n't broken up the marriage .
25 I just wish they had n't boarded up the windows .
26 It might have continued like this indefinitely if I had n't picked up a copy of the Kensington News , a paper Daphne took so she could find out what was showing at the local picture house .
27 This time she had n't picked up the thread automatically .
28 She 's cut taxes , she 's made concessions and somehow the British people simply have n't picked up the ball and run with it .
29 Wish I had n't messed up every relationship I ever had . ’
30 Ludens will bring Marcus here , he should show up any moment , I hope he has n't messed up the car ! ’
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