Example sentences of "not [vb pp] a [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Nine times former champion Martina Navratilova , who was granted her wish to be seeded second over Arantxa SanchezVicario , starts against Australian Michelle Jaggard-Lai , who has not won a match at Wimbledon in three previous attempts .
2 A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled , and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all .
3 Are you 've not had a look at my list here ?
4 Richards insisted he was not pressurizing the umpire but doing a celebratory dance , which seemed odd since as the umpire had not raised a finger at the time he had nothing to celebrate .
5 Yes but th w th w there was none she had n't pressed a button at the back .
6 They had n't booked a table at the restaurant , but Roman 's appearance seemed to galvanise the waiters into respectfully procuring the best table , at the centre of the balcony , with a magnificent view across the bay .
7 ‘ It 's Saturday , and you have n't missed a Saturday at Pepe 's since you arrived .
8 Do n't tell me he has n't made a set at your pretty mistress ! ’
9 So far we had n't seen a bear at all .
10 We have n't got a litter at present , you see , so she 'll come out with the rest of us . "
11 but we have n't got a Pat at the moment and its in and it 's his responsibility .
12 A lot of adults just have n't got a clue at working out V A T or any sort of , since you mentioned percentages it 's blurgh ca n't do that .
13 Yeah , cos then you know you 've got ta chance of going out rather than or something then you have n't got a chance at all .
14 Oh they had I must tell you now that at the time that we had n't got a car at all , on the occasion of a royal visit , or some very important action being taken , my Chief Constable used to hire a chauffeur driven car from Mr of Lane in Ipswich .
15 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
16 I suppose she comes here every night with her bags and things cos she ai n't got a telly at home .
17 See and it has n't got a balance at the back , you see , the leaves are not big enough at the back .
18 You have n't got an oven at the moment .
19 ‘ I 'd had one drink but I would have taken the same stand if I had n't had a drink at all .
20 ‘ You know , I have n't had a look at the things for a long time , ’ Müller remarked .
21 I have n't had a look at any books at all but , erm I was worried about .
22 You know I ai n't had a look at them yet , I shall have to have a look
23 Tell them the company has n't taken a stance at all , that our analysts are still working on it . "
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