Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [pers pn] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd not seen her for quite some time , you know .
2 I had not seen them for over two years .
3 ‘ I had not seen you for over six months , ma'am , it was merely surprise that you have lost a little colour … ’
4 So mm it were just a case of a flying visit cos we 've not seen you for nearly twelve months .
5 Of those firms which did possess such a strategy , a quarter had not reviewed it for more than two years , making it only mildly effective .
6 You have n't owned it for over a year .
7 I had n't seen her since when we were on remand , and then we both got sentenced and got sent to different prisons , so I had n't seen her for nearly a year .
8 I did n't notice at first ; I saw her walking down the street in front of me , and without any hesitation I knew who it was — I had n't seen her for over a year , she had cut her hair off short and was wearing a dress , but I knew .
9 Margaret she 's coming to this do we 're going to , I have n't seen her for about forty years .
10 I ai n't seen her for about two months .
11 We have n't seen her for about ten , twelve years and er
12 We had n't seen them for more than eight years , as they had lived in Florida before moving to Corfu .
13 I have n't seen him for simply ages , have you ? ’
14 I 'm not very good with people and , even though Eric is my brother , I have n't seen him for over two years , since he went crazy .
15 She had n't seen him for nearly three months and she was struck anew by his good looks .
16 I have n't seen him for so long .
17 Have n't seen him for about two weeks .
18 She had n't seen him for almost five years and yet — less than twenty-four hours later — she 'd been not only happily returning his kisses , but also moaning with pleasure at the feel of his hands on her body .
19 Dalgliesh had n't seen him for more than ten years when he had been a newly appointed inspector in the Metropolitan CID and was surprised to see how little he had changed ; time , marriage , removal from London , promotion , had left no apparent mark on him .
20 I have n't seen it for about two months .
21 I think it 's because I have n't done it for so long
22 I 've done it before it 's just I have n't done it for so long !
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