Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The two tiers are not intended to exist in a hierarchical relationship to each other .
2 The work can be at various levels from initial reconnaissance to diamond drilling but is not intended to go beyond the discovery stage of a mineral deposit .
3 Granada 's defence that the words were not intended to refer to the plaintiff and would not have been so regarded by reasonable viewers was rejected by the jury , after hearing that the officer had received " unpleasant and damaging " comments afterwards .
4 More recently some Universities and Polytechnics developed courses for ethnic minorities — but these when they were focused on developing multilingual skills were not intended to lead to a specialism in minority languages but simply to serve support strategies which fall far short of teaching the languages as such .
5 A purchase notice is not intended to apply in a case in which an owner is simply prevented from realising the full potential value of his land .
6 These expressions may constitute either a promise , by which the maker of the statement intends that he should be bound , or a representation which is not intended to operate as a promise but is made with the intention and does have the effect of persuading the other party to enter into the contract .
7 There is a long-standing presumption that Acts of Parliament are not intended to derogate from the requirements of international law .
8 A contract of hire is a species of bailment and although it is readily distinguishable from sale in that general property is not intended to pass to the hirer , there are important public policy issues in a consumer hire context , which dictate that the owner be subject to similar liability to that visited upon the seller .
9 The decision by a court that a particular situation was not intended to come within the ambit of a statute , though within its words in what may be their most obvious meaning , does not deny the supremacy of Parliament , for if Parliament disagrees with the decision it can pass another Act dealing specifically with the type of case .
10 She had not intended changing for the evening , country inns being the right setting for good tweed suits ; but now she took her time about dressing , and chose a very austere frock in a dark russet-orange shade that touched off the marmalade lights in her eyes .
11 I had not intended to contribute to the debate but the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) , who introduced the motion , was asked several questions during his introductory speech and he failed stoically to produce any answers .
12 I had not intended to speak on the motion , but I feel that I must bring to the attention of the House certain points made by the Select Committee on Procedure in two reports to the House on the passage of legislation .
13 Had this village really not heard tell of the miracle-working Gabriel ?
14 Here , they are quiet as mice throughout Act 1 and are not heard to applaud at the end .
15 Such users will have NOT ASSSESSED recorded in the ‘ status ’ column of the DC_ASSESSORS view .
16 The windsurfing concept is not limited to use on the water and in recent years windsurfing sails have been seen on land , snow and ice .
17 ‘ The members of the apparatus are not constrained to act in a definite way by the position they occupy in the structure of social reproduction ’ .
18 A MOTHER lost her appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against corporal punishment in school yesterday , but the judgment is not expected to lead to a reintroduction of that form of disciplinary action in Britain .
19 The US Congress is considering legislation for limited tort reform , he added , but that is not expected to progress before the end of the year .
20 Deferred taxation is provided in respect of liabilities relating to timing differences between profits as computed for taxation purposes and profits as stated in the accounts , except to the extent that the liability is not expected to crystallise in the foreseeable future .
21 Even following recession , energy demand is not expected to return to the levels of growth originally predicted .
22 Mr Patten left his hospital bed for last week 's crucial Commons ' votes , but he is not expected to return to the Department of Education , until the end of next month .
23 6–9 Mrs Holliday , Bowmore , applied for the baptism of her daughter in the absence of her husband who was on a voyage to Africa and not expected to return for a year , and as they were " satisfied with Mrs Holliday 's knowledge as to the ordinance and the obligation " they agreed .
24 On April 9 the then Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Abdul Rahman Abdallah as Awadi said that elections were unlikely to be held before August or September 1992 due to the continued absence of an estimated 400,000 Kuwaitis ( including " second category " citizens ) who had left the country during the Iraqi occupation and who were not expected to return before the end of 1991 .
25 The issue is not expected to go to a vote .
26 However , EPHOS is not expected to impinge upon the UK 's own GOSIP profile , ‘ EPHOS is at a higher level , ’ according to the UK 's Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency , although it admits that ‘ they may merge in the future , but we 're talking about four or five years . ’
27 The first shipments were not expected to arrive in the country until the autumn .
28 It should be noted that although the total population over 65 is not expected to increase for the remainder of the twentieth century , this is due to a projected fall in the numbers aged 60/65–74 ( by 5 per cent between 1981 and 1991 ) combined with a rise in the numbers at older ages .
29 ( As of mid-March 1990 Clowes and six others faced charges relating to fraud , theft and deception in a trial which was not expected to begin until the spring of 1991 . )
30 All overheads are fixed and are not expected to change from the present cost of f2,000 per month .
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