Example sentences of "not [adv] give [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system .
2 The section is intended to give the police power to impose conditions on ‘ coercive ’ marches which will not necessarily give rise to disorder ; a National Front march through a predominantly Asian district may well prompt many of the citizens simply to board up their properties and remain indoors .
3 Overall , the objective is not only to give prominence to the life and work of a highly original and much underrated communist intellectual and novelist , but also to scrutinise the example of Nizan as a guiding principle for action in the present .
4 The valves enclosing the tentacles not only give protection to these soft delicate structures , but concentrate the water into a steady stream so that it flows more effectively over them .
5 In normal or right sexuality , argues Scruton , we not only give recognition to the other 's person in and through our desire tor him or her , we also accord them accountability and care in the process .
6 Greek civilization not only gave rise to philosophy but it also produced , in the fifth century BC , the first real historians .
7 It is the reasonable foreseeability of harm arising from one 's conduct which in many types of cases not only gives rise to the duty of care to avoid inflicting such harm , but also provides the test for determining whether a person injured by the careless conduct of another falls within the class of persons to whom a duty of care is owed .
8 There was a strong belief that radio should not merely give prominence to the national leadership but also take measures to reduce foreign influence and content in its programmes .
9 Corporation tax that is repaid as a result of a carry back of ACT will not generally give rise to a repayment supplement .
10 I do not normally give way to someone who has just ambled into the Chamber , but I shall make an exception on this occasion , because I rather like the hon. Gentleman 's florid looks .
11 ( Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age . )
12 ( Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age . )
13 Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age .
14 Cocaine addiction does not invariably give rise to physiological addiction and there may be no significant physical effects of withdrawal .
15 I could not even give instructions to a painter .
16 This pattern of occasional rewards ( something we all experience in daily life ) will help your child to maintain a pattern of behaviour even when you are not there to give encouragement to him .
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