Example sentences of "not [adv] give [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But he wants the military to test the anti- nerve gas pills to make sure that they 're not addictive , so that they 're not inadvertantly giving soldiers under stress a potent drug which could be open to abuse .
2 But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system .
3 The section is intended to give the police power to impose conditions on ‘ coercive ’ marches which will not necessarily give rise to disorder ; a National Front march through a predominantly Asian district may well prompt many of the citizens simply to board up their properties and remain indoors .
4 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
5 Overall , the objective is not only to give prominence to the life and work of a highly original and much underrated communist intellectual and novelist , but also to scrutinise the example of Nizan as a guiding principle for action in the present .
6 The back of the palisade wall can be lined with polythene which will not only give protection against continuous wetting of the timber , but will also stop soil oozing through .
7 The valves enclosing the tentacles not only give protection to these soft delicate structures , but concentrate the water into a steady stream so that it flows more effectively over them .
8 In normal or right sexuality , argues Scruton , we not only give recognition to the other 's person in and through our desire tor him or her , we also accord them accountability and care in the process .
9 Greek civilization not only gave rise to philosophy but it also produced , in the fifth century BC , the first real historians .
10 It is worth adding , as something of an aside , that the experimental result just described not only gives reasons for preferring the associative account but also seems to demand an explanation in terms of acquired equivalence rather than acquired distinctiveness .
11 It is the reasonable foreseeability of harm arising from one 's conduct which in many types of cases not only gives rise to the duty of care to avoid inflicting such harm , but also provides the test for determining whether a person injured by the careless conduct of another falls within the class of persons to whom a duty of care is owed .
12 There was a strong belief that radio should not merely give prominence to the national leadership but also take measures to reduce foreign influence and content in its programmes .
13 Corporation tax that is repaid as a result of a carry back of ACT will not generally give rise to a repayment supplement .
14 The 1982 health dispute served notice that the Government would not easily give way in a strike .
15 ( Lecturers at the Open University do not normally give lectures at all ; they produce correspondence material for their students , as well as working with BBC colleagues on the production of radio and television programmes . )
16 I do not normally give way to someone who has just ambled into the Chamber , but I shall make an exception on this occasion , because I rather like the hon. Gentleman 's florid looks .
17 ( Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age . )
18 ( Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age . )
19 Midland Bank will not normally give credit to applicants under 18 years of age .
20 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
21 won the Northumberland and Durham Division One title with a resounding 42–3 win playing the sort of open rugby they are not often given credit for .
22 Cocaine addiction does not invariably give rise to physiological addiction and there may be no significant physical effects of withdrawal .
23 I could not even give instructions to a painter .
24 This pattern of occasional rewards ( something we all experience in daily life ) will help your child to maintain a pattern of behaviour even when you are not there to give encouragement to him .
25 The first line — ’ Our Father which art in heaven , hallowed be thy name ’ has not yet given way in children 's parlance to ’ Our Father in heaven , may your name be hallowed ’ , or , ’ Our Father in heaven , may your holy name be honoured . ’
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