Example sentences of "not [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An exciting development ( not necessarily for steam enthusiasts ) is the plan to introduce a three unit railcar in approximately 18 months time .
2 A mile along this road was Rocky Valley , which is also a good hunting ground for birds of prey — not necessarily for barn owls , with all the buzzards and kestrels competing , but no doubt our pair would venture over there at some time to see what they could pick up .
3 If I could just make a point about affordable housing chairman , of course the department recognizes that there is a problem of affordable housing as evidenced by minister 's statements but the view of my policy colleagues in headquarters is that this is most appropriately addresses in district wide plans and not necessarily at structure plan level .
4 This post could be suitable for someone near the beginning of a career in administration , though some previous administrative experience , not necessarily in university administration , is desirable but not essential .
5 With things like art nouveau and Edwardian furniture , when David started buying them , I went and got books to get my act together in order that I knew what he was into , but with drugs , I did n't know , added to which David was very secretive and for a long time I was n't aware that he was having a problem , not necessarily from cocaine addiction , which everybody loves to tell you is not addictive , but it is in terms of the fact that you rely on feeling up to cope — you just become more and more paranoid .
6 Too much attention was paid to low-damage but high-publicity cases like oil spills and the famous toxic waste in Love Canal , not enough to habitat loss and global warming .
7 The omnipresent cul-de-sac , for example , lowered speeds but not enough for child safety , especially on the long straight legs .
9 Though some local followers complain that she spends too much time in West End theatres and not enough in party meetings , Miss Jackson seems well-informed about her part of London , down-to-earth and fully committed to becoming a Labour MP .
10 Not so at South East Arts .
11 In the 1950s and 60s dowries in India went down generally because gold was controlled , but not so in East Africa , where dowries rose as though they would never stop .
12 Later various Far Eastern forms with a more or less conspicuous white neck ring and lower back and rump mainly green , torquatus group , ( 2 ) were introduced , and these have interbred not only with colchicus type but with other subspecies introduced from time to time , till the British Isles and much of W Europe are occupied by an indescribable amalgam of pheasant forms from all over Asia .
13 Japan has become a leader of the Pacific area and to this extent cultivates close contacts not only with Southeast Asia , but also with Australasia , a valuable source of raw materials , where interest in Japan has become substantial .
14 NO DOUBT there is a problem with drug abuse in this city and not only on council estates .
15 To the left as you entered was the copper over which hung a galvanised tub used not only on wash days but also for personal baths .
16 There were wolf whistles when I was a young woman over 50 years ago , not only on building sites but on street corners .
17 The CBI table highlights the fact that local laws may apply to merger proposals , not only on competition grounds but also on other grounds , for example where it is deemed to be in the national interest to prevent foreign control in certain sectors such as maritime and air transport , banking and insurance .
18 In North America , emphasis is now placed not only on art history but also on what is termed ‘ material culture ’ — that is , everything pertaining to the lives and activities of all those who lived in the house .
19 and not , not only on income tax but on poll tax local tax
20 It has a direct effect not only on investment decisions , but also on the market for corporate control and the market for managers .
21 The American meteorological craft can not be looked at in isolation : they depend not only on Earth stations but also on processing equipment on the ground that makes sense of the data that the craft provide .
22 In Whitehall , Smith was pleased with the progressing organisation built up by Verity , but in 1949 it became clearer that the bottlenecks were not only on site steel but in the inadequate response of the pipework and boiler manufacturers .
23 They will be expected to make presentations to the seminar group , not only on lesson preparation but also on integrating communicative activities .
24 During the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries the skeleton was a recurring motif in funerary art , appearing not only on trade cards and invitations but also on monuments ; its symbolism was profound .
25 The NSA has a huge operation in Britain which it regards as one of its most important listening posts , being strategically placed to eavesdrop not only on East Europe but West Europe as well .
26 The information obtained was being used not only for patient care but also for management purposes such as audit , planning services , resource management , and monitoring contracts .
27 These studies are important not only for gall stone recurrence after oral dissolution treatment but also for recurrence in any situation where the gall bladder remains in situ but the stones have been removed by percutaneous cholecystolithotomy , instillation of contact solvents such as MTBE and , to a lesser extent because of patient selection , by extra corporeal shock wave dissolution with or without adjuvant bile acids .
28 It contains sound practical advice not only for computer programmers , but also for the users of their products , and for educators in secondary school and universities .
29 This makes it a most useful instrument not only for solo pieces but also for the support of voices .
30 In looking at training and education as parts of a whole process it is not surprising that TECs are encouraged to take responsibility not only for Youth Training Schemes and for Employment Training but also for non-advanced , work-related FE .
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