Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Canada 's action is not altogether surprising in view of her dubious record on other conservation issues , but it is sad to see the proposals coming from the US .
2 Climbers are often confused with ramblers , which is perhaps not altogether surprising in view of their similarities , and is not helped by the practice in many nursery catalogues and garden centres of grouping the two together .
3 But Floy said , in an expressionless tone , ‘ Do go on , ’ and Caspar looked at Floy doubtfully , because he was not altogether sure of Floy yet and he had the feeling that Floy might very well be thinking and assessing and generally not revealing all his feelings .
4 Among those not wholly enamoured of Eardwulf was Alcuin .
5 By today 's standards , autochromes were not wholly accurate in colour , but they were extremely beautiful , with an impressionistic feel that found favour particularly amongst those with leanings towards ‘ art ’ .
6 By today 's standards , autochromes were not wholly accurate in colour , but they were extremely beautiful , with an impressionistic feel that found favour particularly amongst those with leanings towards ‘ art ’ .
7 Nevertheless , Baldwin 's reaction to the new developments was not wholly one of dismay .
8 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
9 She was more angry than shocked , particularly when Old Red suggested it was not wholly wise for ladies not in their first youth to climb ladders .
10 Even the Crowther Report was not wholly free from doubts and worries : it documented the waste of talent in the system , with only 12 per cent of each age group remaining in full-time education to the age of seventeen , and a meagre 6 per cent for a further year beyond that .
11 Rare vagrant to Red Sea and E Atlantic seas and coasts from Western Approaches to Canaries , a larger version of Bridled Tern , with darker upperparts , no white collar , white of forehead not extending back beyond eye , and outer tail feathers not wholly white at tip .
12 HBsAg positive individuals ( accounting for 3% of our cirrhotic population ) were excluded because at the outset of the trial hepatitus B virus immunisation was not widely available to theatre staff and it was not deemed acceptable to expose such staff to the risks of infection undergoing elective surgery .
13 In some cases , autonomous groups certainly did achieve higher levels of shop-floor control , but were not widely popular with management , presumably for that reason .
14 What the James Committee placed on the agenda of public discussion — even though its own recommendations were in general not widely popular among teacher educators — was the reshaping of the education of teachers .
15 This method of assignment was intended to ensure that the groups contained schools from each of the participating authorities and were not widely different in terms of the social background of pupils , school size , and environment .
16 However good diagnostic skills and experience are not uniformly available amongst staff at any given time due to a variety of factors .
17 Examination of the courses they attended suggested that these were not uniformly suitable for wives and that more courses aimed at helping wives to substitute for husbands in an emergency would be useful .
18 A mouse without its cortex is not strikingly different in behaviour from a normal mouse : a man with no cortex is a vegetable .
19 However , the most significant objection to the Act is that it has extended the scope of the common law exemption so that husbands are not criminally liable for acts of buggery or indecent assault perpetrated against their wives , save in the exceptional circumstances mentioned above .
20 The position of the GP , however , is not straight-forwardly that of expert in relation to the non-expert patient , for beyond the GP are the specialists .
21 Those who have a commitment to the Christian faith are not thereby immune from depression .
22 He suggested that Aeneas left Dido in obedience to his fate but he was not thereby relieved of feelings of shame or unhappiness — he felt " a worm " .
23 A number of grants and incentives are available for projects which are socially desirable , but not commercially viable without support .
24 The only problem is that it 's at Cannock and not somewhere exotic in Europe . ’
25 ‘ The one I ca n't wait for is the European Cup on April 16–20 , ’ says the talented teenager , quipping : ‘ The only problem is that it 's at Cannock and not somewhere exotic in Europe ! ’
26 However , Hitchcock 's keywell inlay is generally of a simple rectangle , whereas Mercier and William Smith are in agreement that the rectangle should be broken with half circles on the shorter sides — a decorative motif that was common at the time and appears on a number of spinets ( though not apparently any by Thomas Hitchcock ) .
27 Mark Saunders ( BBC Radio ) in a personal review of design requirements for RDS car radios points out that one of the problems that RDS poses for both broadcaster and receiver manufacturer is that , with the exception of obvious features such as the display of the programme service name , an RDS receiver is not apparently different in performance , or looks , when observed in the static environment of the dealer 's showroom .
28 ‘ City girls are not entirely ignorant about country life , ’ she protested with a hint of indignation .
29 It does seem to me that 's not entirely consistent to government guidance in P P G three which simply states that the structure plan would state whether or not conversions are included within the housing figures .
30 The problem lay with this last inference ; for it was not entirely consistent with Galileo 's earlier argument for differentiation .
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