Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 and think , Well I 'm going to Not necessarily do them first .
2 In the case of the bookmarks shown in the photograph on the opposite page , I drew a border around the section that encloses the flowers , not only to give them additional definition but also because the parallel lines at the base help to decorate the bookmark .
3 This approach to children not only makes them precocious ( more so in America than Europe ) but ‘ precious ’ .
4 On the other hand , parents who show no sign of caring where their youngsters are , or what they are doing , not only leave them free to get into all kinds of trouble but make it harder for them to take responsibility by depriving them too soon of parental care .
5 In the second talk , Tom Helvin , director of the Diocesan Schools Department , told delegates : ‘ The main reason for our Catholic schools is religious growth and development of the children , not merely to make them practising Catholics , but to involve them fully in parish and church . ’
6 I 'm not , I 'm not just blaming them all the time , I mean , the situation is , when they go out on the field , they are their own men , I ca n't do anything about there , I ca n't talk for them out there ; I can only put it on in training , and when they get out there , they 've got to do it theirselves .
7 In recent years , minor enzyme deficiencies have been found in some people , which do not normally make them ill unless they take a particular medicinal drug .
8 The jungle in which they are isolated provides them with shelter but can not possibly offer them enough food .
9 She had not even phoned them that morning to explain her absence .
10 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
11 And when I go to Wales for a holiday and there are Welshmen , they 're just as good as I am , some can sing so much nicer , and I 've worked with Scotsmen in engineering factories , and there 's no better engineers than Scotsmen , but they do n't necessarily call them British .
12 If parents do not care and praise and listen to a child 's reading , schoolteachers ca n't easily make them literate .
13 to do it and then they do n't really want them any more .
14 But either one of these and what we 've already put up you ca n't really call them positional isomers cos the basic carbon skeleton is different .
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