Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 The claim that a class may or may not allow itself to be exploited is another case of Poulantzas ' belief that the course of the class struggle is not altogether determined by the structural constraints of a particular phase of capitalism .
2 Head almost buried in the keyboard , he worried at the chords , arpeggios and flourishes , producing a big yet unforced sound and a sense of re-creative excitement and scope , not wholly matched by the orchestra .
3 As they stumbled down the stairs , Larsen 's heart was full and his watering eyes were not wholly caused by the thickening clouds of stinging smoke billowing up from below .
4 In Moss v. McLachlan for example , the setting up of road blocks , etc. , was clearly part of a coordinated police strategy , not wholly governed by the decisions of the policeman on the spot ( although , as the quote from Moss v. McLachlan illustrates , it was the assessment of the senior police officers present that was being made the subject of review ) .
5 Balfour ( who was not wholly convinced by the plotters and who refused finally to do their bidding ) sent a message to Baldwin to say that the constitutional course was to meet Parliament .
6 There will be unfortunate ( even disastrous ) consequences in the real world if the message is not properly understood by the recipient .
7 The learning that is characteristic of higher education is not all of a piece ; some of it is not properly described by the limited concept of learning .
8 This use of HLCAs is , in fact , available but not widely publicised by the Agriculture Department with much discretion being left to individual officers , a situation which MAFF has stated will be rectified .
9 The purpose of the law , which was not widely practised by the time of Jesus , was to preserve both a family line and the inheritance of family possessions and property .
10 Yarrundi , on the other side of the Liverpool Range , was not badly affected by the rains .
11 Westward of the Duomo across the Piazza del Duomo , one of the finest sweeps of paved pedestrian walkway in Europe and , thankfully , not badly scarred by the two entrances to the new Metro Line 3 , is a monument to Vittorio Emanuele II , a bronze equestrian statue by Ercole Rosa dating from 1896 .
12 But this is misleading in the sense that much of this expenditure did generate purchasing power in recipient countries , which led to demand for dollar goods , demand which was not effectively curtailed by the exchange controls .
13 Even those assets whose supply is controlled by the authorities are not all held by the controlled institutions .
14 The matter is made worse by the fact that the two offences are construed as being mutually exclusive ; and the resulting difficulties are not entirely overcome by the provisions in [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 44 as to the verdicts open to the jury when they find that the accused committed an offence different from that charged ( cf. paragraph 90 ) .
15 However , human motivation is complex : people are not entirely driven by the desire for money or to do as little in the job as they can get away with .
16 An alert cat has fully-opened eyes and this is the condition that is always maintained in the presence of strangers , who are not entirely trusted by the cat .
17 Although I am not entirely convinced by the contents of the motion , I agree with parts of it .
18 New Zealand 's relationship with Australia , its other ANZUS partner , was not greatly affected by the nuclear prohibition policy .
19 Natural killer activity , however , was not greatly influenced by the addition of PSL .
20 But other political theories , notably those of Pareto and Mosca , suggest that there is a ruling elite that is not necessarily characterized by the possession of economic resources .
21 Elite theories argue that there is one class that dominates in a political system , although which class actually dominates is not necessarily determined by the economic system .
22 Alleged perpetrators usually denied allegations but even when admission was forthcoming full personal responsibility for events was not necessarily accepted by the perpetrator who might allege that he was provoked .
23 This explains why the extent of the use of crack is not necessarily indicated by the scale of seizures .
24 The fact that Chafe ( 1977 ) has suggested that information concerning agent and recipient is not necessarily stored by the individual in a specific arm is perhaps fortuitous in our comparison of English with BSL .
25 The problem is not necessarily caused by the unwillingness of local authorities .
26 The housing may rise in value , but people 's relative incomes may not necessarily rise by the same amount .
27 However , the act of dedicating a portrait and describing its subject on an accompanying inscription was not necessarily initiated by the emperor .
28 If the contractual measure of damage was the only measure to be applied the Vendor could argue that the value of the Business was not necessarily reduced by the full amount of the undisclosed liability .
29 And Gee ( 1975 : 311 ) argues that whereas in I helped them carry the load " I take part in the carrying " , this is not necessarily implied by the sentence with to , where " I need not actually have done any carrying " , as shown by : ( 16a ) I helped them to carry the load by having my secretary get them a cart .
30 This was not the arbiter-president that Debré and the other drafters of the constitution had anticipated , but rather a ruling president who was not necessarily constrained by the letter of the constitution ( as he showed in his frequent recourse to referenda and in his willingness to replace prime ministers at his , rather than the assembly 's , pleasure ) .
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