Example sentences of "not [be] [vb pp] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 An interlocutory injunction was sought , but not granted by the court , where it was said that there had been a breach , but that an injunction would not be granted on a balance of convenience .
2 It is of the utmost importance that the Rawlsian method of argument requiring unanimity behind the veil of ignorance should not be defended on the ground that otherwise the resulting principles would not be fair because unanimity is a condition of fairness , or by any other moral argument .
3 Hot food and drinks should not be placed on a table where there is an overhanging tablecloth ; in a second , a scalding accident can occur if a child pulls on the over-hanging end of the cloth .
4 His Minister of State , Mr. Patten , stated that ‘ there is no great principle ’ of English law that burdens of proof should not be placed on the defence , and he recited examples which are familiar to readers of textbooks on criminal evidence — the Prevention of Corruption Act 1916 , etc. ( ibid . ,
5 If a motion about a particular industry can not be placed on the agenda , that of our congress then we lose the accountability .
6 The validity of an act done by a company can not be questioned on the ground of lack of capacity by reason that the act is beyond the company 's objects .
7 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
8 They realize , without necessarily evaluating the implications of the realization , that patients can not be kept on a machine for ever .
9 On behalf of the Do n't Tax Reading Books Group , the BA has produced A2 , A3 and A4 posters , and A5 bag stuffers/leaflets which have a poster on one side and the arguments as to why books should not be taxed on the other .
10 If that income is lawfully accumulated in an irrevocable settlement it can not be taxed on the settlor .
11 The coming battle for the soul of Central Europe will not be decided on the playing fields of EMU , nor by throwing in the sheepmeat regime at the decisive moment .
12 The hon. Gentleman has just been reminded of the shabby teachers ' pay record of the Labour Government whom he supported some years ago — It was his Government then , although their successors may not be represented on the Front Bench in quite the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
13 Darlington Environmental Watch spokeswoman Maggie Bosanquet said : ‘ We will be urging an early meeting with Euro MP Stephen Hughes to outline our belief that this money , so desperately needed by local industry and residents , should not be squandered on an unnecessary road . ’
14 It can not be explained on the grounds that ordinary life is just as tragic ( art is not merely imitation of life ) or by reference to moral feelings or pity and fear .
15 While the decision can not be impugned on the facts , it undoubtedly confirms the difficulties which inventor employees face where the employer 's sales can only be traced to a single main purchaser of the patented product .
16 Whilst regarding as correct the shift of the centre of gravity to the production of the means of production , we must at the same time remember the danger involved in tying up too much state capital in major construction work , which can not be realised on the market for many years .
17 Can we be sure that if this goes wrong and there is military involvement — as there might well be — we will not be involved on the coat-tails of the Germans ?
18 Mains-voltage cable should not be run on the surface of the ground and should never be attached to fences — as these can be easily blown down .
19 The peasantry was constantly eroded by the proletarianisation of those whose holdings were too small to support them , or the emigration of those extra mouths which demographic growth multiplied , and which could not be fed on the family 's land .
20 Nylon is made waterproof during the weaving process using a high temperature/oven baking method which can not be repeated on a made up tent .
21 Many situations can not be handled on the basis of ‘ A per cent of records give rise to B per cent of accesses ’ .
22 The option is clearly to the advantage of the developer , in that : there is low initial capital commitment there is opportunity to resolve problems and obtain planning approval The faces less competition than would be found if the land was sold at auction or tender if the scheme is abandoned the option need not be exercised On the other hand problems can arise where there is a substantial downturn in the market and it is not viable to proceed at the price agreed in the option agreement .
23 The defendants accept that , in relation to any costs which are ordered by the court to be taxed , the taxation can not be conducted on a basis more favourable to themselves than the indemnity basis .
24 On a single syllable ‘ why ’ , the pitch movement might be of this sort : but if there are syllables following , the fall may not be completed on the tonic syllable : why did you go
25 The first section shows that the authority which states and governments claim can not be based on the main argument for the justification of authority , i.e. that described by the normal justification thesis .
26 Records must not be based on the measurement of subjective impressions such as the number of times parents felt depressed about their child 's behaviour .
27 May I ask my right hon. Friend to endorse the hope that the multi-party system that President Moi will formally introduce this week will not be based on the tribal backgrounds of those taking part , as that would be a possible recipe for disaster ?
28 Indeed , an extraction set may not be based on the denotation of any noun explicitly mentioned at all ; an equally valid extraction set for ( 19 ) might be the creatures we had shot that day .
29 If we still object , then our objection can not be based on the principle that no individual should vote against his conscience .
30 ‘ It shows that investigations should not be based on the gut feeling of a particular officer — it has got to be more professional and CATCHEM is .
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