Example sentences of "not [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such a charge is not registrable against the clearing member under s 395 of the Companies Act 1985 .
2 She said yesterday that it was not profitable for the new trust members to speculate on why the Scottish Office had not appointed a member of the medical school .
3 In the 1960s , the under-twenties accounted for only 5 or 6 per cent of total unemployment : in April 1985 , the figure was 15.6 per cent and this was not untypical of the early 1980s .
4 Lyric poetry is not subjective in the ordinary sense ; and in its freedom from subjectivity it should be thought of in the same terms as music .
5 Further discussion revealed that the speaker 's brief on the ‘ death and dying ’ subject was not specific to the expressed needs of care assistants .
6 The results of the model developed in the following sections are not specific to the particular type of private good we have chosen , reputation .
7 This probe also detects additional fragments not homologous to the human probe .
8 it 's not uniformed for the whole sentence
9 And he admits : ‘ It is not normal for the Spanish people to leave the place where you were born for long spells .
10 The predicted size of this fragment was 1076 bp , however , the full length fragment was not discernable in the other cell lines tested suggesting that it 's occurrence is rare .
11 The final conclusions of the national committee were , firstly , that it is not possible with the available data to establish a definite causal relation between the use of gangliosides and acute polyneuropathies and , secondly , that patients diagnosed as suffering from acute neuropathies should have a detailed drug history taken and should be followed up ( Grupo de Trabajo Gangli-Msidos , 18th session of Spanish National Committee of Pharmacovigilance , Spain , 1992 ) .
12 These provide an opportunity for the tutor and the students to respond to each other and to discuss problems in a way which is not possible with the normal marking of test papers at a distance .
13 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
14 Yet it was clear that intensive farming was not possible on the poor Pomeranian soil .
15 In a moment of clarity , just before her eleven a.m. medication on Friday , a bewildered Elinor threatened to leave and was told by a nurse that this was not possible without the prior permission of the matron .
16 The main difference was that restitution , often viewed as appropriate by the Sinhalese , was not possible through the colonial court system .
17 It may not in all cases be sufficient to advise a client that the action which he desires to take is not possible under the existing law ; circumstances may arise in which the proper answer is that if the law does not allow the action to be taken then the law itself should be changed .
18 It was not possible from the divisional information to determine if the product was profitable overall .
19 Although low levels ( 1–7% ) of interstrand crosslinking have been reported for cisplatin ( 1 ) it is not possible from the present data to define the sequence specificity of such crosslinks .
20 As we have seen , the policy process is dynamic and flexible , and it is not possible in the real world to draw a firm distinction between policy initiation and policy implementation .
21 At present , this is just not possible in the vast majority of NHS hospitals , because the quality of management information systems is so poor .
22 He had obviously not allowed his degree course to affect his view of what was and was not possible in the physical world .
23 Also on Oct. 21 Mitterrand called on Raymond Lacombe , the chairman of the farmers ' union FNSEA ( Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles ) , to control his supporters , describing the attacks by " gangs " who were not representative of the main body of farmers as " unacceptable " and ordering the police to intervene to restore law and order .
24 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
25 He was found not guilty of the serious charge of seditious libel but guilty of the lesser misdemeanour of creating a public mischief .
26 Barry was indicted on a further six misdemeanour charges on May 10 , five of which related to drug possession and one to conspiracy ; the mayor pleaded not guilty to the fresh charges on May 15 .
27 The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty through the preliminary hearings and trial in the King 's Bench Court , where Mr Justice Embury found him guilty and sentenced him to death by hanging .
28 However , two officers found not guilty by the military tribunal were given sentences of two and three years .
29 Here there is recorded an old custom that is still not extinct in the Basque country , of emigration to the Americas , and especially South America .
30 The door was permitted to be of the cottage order , double , the bottom half , lower than that of a stable door , was designed to keep children in and chickens out — not that chickens were approved , their appearance was not conducive to the small dignity of the Gate Lodge .
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