Example sentences of "not [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The future will lie with people who increasingly try to operate , not as a totally integrated team , but as a flexible chain .
2 Anomalocariids may achieve importance , not as a supposedly unique clade of extinct animals , but as a group close to the ancestry of modern arthropods .
3 This in turn implied that the transition period was now viewed , not as a relatively short , chaotic time , but as an epoch that would develop its own laws of equilibrium .
4 We see the matter not as a purely British problem but as a far more widespread problem .
5 On the Macca front … he wont go to Torino … especially not for a misely 750,000
6 Not for a measly fifty , ’ William laughs , as he and Andy pull together and draw together , tottering on the seat while Andy throws the emptied bottle to someone in the crowd and is handed another full magnum by his partner in The Gadget Shop , a fellow ex-ad-man who 's a few years older than Andy .
7 This method gives a more rounded surface , suitable for fondant icing but not for a more formal royal-iced cake .
8 Stars of this kind are ejecting material , and it has even been suggested that Gamma Velorum may become a supernova in the future , though probably not for a very long time yet .
9 Never before , and probably not for a very long time again will it be possible to recreate such an exhibition , containing as it does important paintings from major Western and Russian museums and private collections , as well as outstanding works from circa fifty provincial and specialised museums in the former Soviet Union .
10 Furthermore , the Act allows pupils ' family backgrounds , ages and aptitudes to be taken into account by the school in determining whether an act of collective worship which is not of a broadly Christian character takes place in the school .
11 It was odd , but Greg noticed Bill Clough 's eyes following them sharply : he was saying nothing to the purpose so there was no reason why he should n't watch them , but Greg , following his lead , did wonder whether Hilary 's mutterings were not of a rather different kind from Desmond 's .
12 The second particular strategy which has been subject to criticism has been the targeting of cities and other locations not of a strictly military character .
13 Thirdly , in Britain the dynamic industries surged ahead not of a generally underdeveloped economy but of one which was in no real sense " pre-industrial " .
14 In his failure to sound the horn in time there is tragedy , but it is not of a very complicated kind .
15 But otherwise the meaning they carry is not of a radically different sort from that carried by lexical roots , and grammatical and lexical elements frequently interact semantically .
16 We then went on to Sydenham and Lewisham and looked that , and erm the general feeling was the Walter Segal houses were not of a sufficiently high standard to be satisfactory for people on our housing waiting list .
17 This will produce the same triumphant progress only if ‘ the intellectual and moral faculties of man ’ are not of a deeply peculiar sort which makes the social world radically unlike the natural .
18 Law agreed , although not with a very good grace .
19 The middle years of the last century were dominated in British geology by Sedgwick and Murchison , who both supported catastrophic doctrines all their lives ( though not in a strictly biblical sense as had Buckland before them ) .
20 Indeed , it has been suggested that it is here that the ‘ site ’ of psychosis lies ; not in a strictly anatomical sense but as a functional property , determining the way the corpus callosum modulates the flow of information between the hemispheres .
21 Darwin , by the time he reached the Galapagos Islands , was not in a particularly receptive or philosophical frame of mind .
22 A new director , responsible for a large section of the company 's business for the first time , was not in a particularly enviable position ; there were men equally as bright and considerably younger , poised ready to pull the mat from under him as soon as they saw an opportunity ; Hank could be their chance .
23 We need to construct our histories through examining the records left by those who went before us , not in a blunderingly literal-minded fashion that sees fictional texts as factual ‘ evidence ’ , but by studying how texts mediate the contradictions and challenges faced by those who carried a homosexual identity through a heterosexual world .
24 At the top of the league is Slovenia , and at the bottom Kosovo ( although Macedonia is not in a much better condition ) .
25 ‘ British men 's judo is not in a very good state , ’ he said , more with honesty than pessimism .
26 They were not in a very good state of conservation , having been drastically overcleaned in previous restoration campaigns sponsored by the Carthusian monks .
27 yeah one whole bottle , erm I would n't go near him Aaron he 's not in a very good mood
28 Yeah she 's not in a very good position
29 You know when you just do , er I 'm , I am absolutely knackered and I do n't know just not in a very good mood .
30 I 'm not in a very strong position anyway
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