Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He creates a new set of skills , not the skills to do with refinement of speech that the Speech and Drama experts had a vested interest in , but life-skills .
2 This is not the doctrine adopted by Finnis and I would have to show that the arguments applied here could be applied equally effectively to the very much more sophisticated account presented in Natural Law and Natural Rights .
3 Definite , I mean there 's not the sewage go in the river now , I do n't think anyway .
4 With the exception of the use of nominalizations and a change from the past to the present tense , my suggested version is identical to the existing translation ( the present tense is the correct one to use here because it signals that the abstract reports the contents of the paper , not the procedures undertaken in the research — see discussion of tense as a signalling device in academic abstracts , Chapter 4 , section 4.2.4 ) .
5 The corresponding Jamaican word is [ bada ] , with RP / / /d/ , but this is not the adaptation made by the speaker , who bases her adaptation on the London form " bovver " ( [ del> ] ) .
6 Therefore , he was not the genius depicted by Goebbels , and had ‘ intentionally unleashed this world conflagration in order to be proclaimed as the great ‘ transformer of mankind ’ ’ .
7 Yet can not the elder referred to in the example be said to have acted morally even though he did not adhere to the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence ?
8 Has not the Minister discussed with the chairman of British Airways the very large order for American planes with American engines ?
9 Not surprisingly , such policy was held to be invalid since it purported to override the express statutory duty , imposed by section 6(5) , to give effect to parental preference whether or not the child comes from the area of the local education authority .
10 If that view were correct , it would appear to pre-empt Woolwich 's arguments in favour of a right to repayment arising at common law , though it is fair to say that this was not the position adopted by counsel for the revenue before your Lordships ' House .
11 Then Bernard suggested taking part himself , an idea which was vetoed however , as his was not the name associated with the company .
12 Donna made herself comfortable and prepared to sleep , wondering , despite the fact that she was tired , whether or not the thoughts tumbling through her mind would be still long enough to allow her two or three precious hours ' rest .
13 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
14 He was probably not the Bernard listed in 1522 , for one of the copyholders , occupying half a virgate , was Joan Pace , who is described as the widow of Bernard Turney , while the lease of the manor was renewed without a break until the eighteenth century .
15 Does not the proactivity need to be politicians of all parties coming together and discussing and listening to each other rather than simply making pronouncements ?
16 He has conducted a campaign , full knowing his Cabinet post was in jeopardy whether or not the Conservatives win on Thursday .
17 It characterises capital instruments as a means of raising finance : an instrument may be within the definition whether or not the consideration given for its issue takes the form of cash .
18 In a lyrical passage Bologna describes the ‘ absolutely original type of agitator ’ which the IWW succeeded in creating : ‘ not the mole digging for decades within the single establishment or proletarian neighbourhood , but a type of agitator who swims within the stream of proletarian struggles , moves from one end to the other of the enormous American continent and calculates the seismic wave of the struggle … ’ ( ibid . ) .
19 These are not the accounts given by spectators and it is difficult to imagine them offering such accounts .
20 He is not the despot portrayed in the West .
21 The wording of the question is not the factor leading to difficulty the same wording used with whole numbers for criterion 1 e produced a success rate of over 80 per cent .
22 Do not the figures given by my hon. Friend underline the point that many pensioners are well off — and we welcome that — and that that is a justification of the Government 's policy of targeting extra help on those who really need it ?
23 You 're no , not the sweat pouring off my brow !
24 It is not the ANDF selected by the Open Software Foundation .
25 You are not the user associated with the given Software Performance Report ( SPR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
26 You are not the user associated with the given Software Status Report ( SSR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
27 This is not the Gospel according to Scrooge .
28 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
29 I have not the money to pay for any hotel room — ah , how expensive London hotels are , is n't it so ? ’
30 Who then , was to determine whether or not the water came from faults and fissures in the rock , or from the vein itself in the usual manner ?
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