Example sentences of "not [adv] see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 gone to their GP 's , and often have been given some sort of medicine for their depression but have n't had the counselling side of things dealt with and they 've just been given re-prescriptions , not necessarily seen every time for a re-prescription .
2 Most carers have attachment and affection to sustain them ; recognising that the deepest levels of such feelings are not enough to see the process through , involves some grief .
3 The autumn of 1529 not only saw the fall from power of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , who had dominated religious and political life in England for the previous fifteen years , but also the beginning of the first session of the Reformation Parliament .
4 You not only see the food , you feel it in your hands , distinct and concrete , you are aware of its rich and striking smell ; someone in the dream even holds it up to your lips , but every time a different circumstance intervenes to prevent the consummation of the act .
5 But the Baptism of Jesus did not merely see the end of the long silence , and God 's declaration that in Jesus the role of the Servant and the Son had converged : the age-long drought of the Holy Spirit was ended too .
6 This , despite the fact that he had not long seen the evidence of its use with his own eyes , in the shape of the two sprawled corpses at the gas station .
7 It did not matter that Ben could not physically see the pages of the journal : in his mind he could turn them anyway and read the tall columns of cyphers .
8 It is also the most widely used general classification scheme on the Continent of Europe , and this in an environment where libraries have not generally seen the virtue of published classification schemes , preferring to use their own private schemes .
9 A further example of the parallelism of greater precision may be found here , though commentators do not generally see the connection of thought between the two lines .
10 He has little knowledge of a shepherd 's life since he writes his idyllic poem from the town , as a wealthy poet , and can not possibly see the reality as one would have it from experienced eyes .
11 The children are not being asked to do the exercises as a matter of course , when they can not really see the point .
12 JTR was not around to see the beginnings of political comment in Scottish art ; his life took a new path far removed from the galleries and drawing rooms of artistic Edinburgh .
13 Do not simply saw the trunk off at soil level as this will later attract honey fungus .
14 If I am serious , I can not simply see the preservation of the countryside as a desire of a few people like myself , to be weighed in the balance against the desires of others for holidays abroad , when it comes to deciding on whether a new airport should be built in some place of outstanding beauty .
15 He had not paid enough attention to Anna , he had not even seen the girl , and yet she was the only one to benefit obviously and directly from her father dying when he did .
16 The petition can be signed by the parliamentary agent himself , and this is of value because last-minute instructions are frequently received , and I have known cases where the client has not even seen the petition until after it was deposited , although he has of course cleared the content by telephone .
17 to misinterpret religious people 's behaviour and commitment ; 2. to take literally what may have been intended metaphorically or symbolically ; 3. not even to see the possibility of the truth of religious concepts .
18 Looking back , it should have sounded strange , after waiting all that time in the gynae clinic , and not even seeing a doctor .
19 Perhaps you could not even see the windows of the School from where he was .
20 What is more , we can not even see the processes going on today that might lead to such extinctions .
21 But where this is successful , they will link their fortunes to capitalism , and will not even see the state as an oppressive part of the class struggle .
22 Charles could not even see the A.S.M. who was reading his lines , though he knew the youth would be keeping him in view to watch for signs of difficulty .
23 They were both so angry that they did not immediately see the movement that came from the old female 's shelter in the cage between them .
24 He was not about to see the Shah 's prolonged stay upset that .
25 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
26 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I have not yet seen a reply from the chief executive , but my understanding is that the position is exactly as I told the Hon. Gentleman in Committee .
27 Mr Keith Banks , a principal education officer for Durham , said he had not yet seen the guarantee in writing .
28 I have not yet seen the Hansard report of our proceedings , but I said that the assets of any company are its resources , which are human as well as physical .
29 You have not yet seen the document out of which the tell-tale hon. Member for Harrow , West ( Mr. Hughes ) is making a career day in and day out .
30 He told Richardson that a Dutch gentleman had given him Frageria chiloensis , a native strawberry from the Spanish West Indies , but although Miller had not yet seen the fruit he quoted A. F. Frézier who ‘ in his Voyages says it grows as big as a pullet 's egg … a great rarity ’ .
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