Example sentences of "not [adv] in [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 First he shows how , in the successive volumes compiled under the generic title of ‘ Primer ’ , composers would have found whole psalms located in contexts able to suggest the composition of the psalm-motet not chronologically in succession to , but simultaneously with , the votive antiphon .
2 Rich is personal expression and influence we mix pigment not only in response to the subject , but through our mood at the time of painting .
3 Assumptions and expectations which lie behind an inter-agency approach require to be made more explicit in order that agencies , and individuals within agencies , are absolutely clear about where they stand , not only in relation to the paramount concern of protecting the child , but also in relation to each other .
4 Rosmer 's anecdote gives us the measure of the role that Bukharin played , not only in relation to Lenin , but also to the whole Bolshevik Party .
5 Formal channels include debates , not only in relation to Bills but in relation to any other matter which the House chooses to consider , and questions , oral and written .
6 In this respect , I have drawn evidence from case studies of two women teachers in a Roman Catholic comprehensive school to illustrate the way in which gender , religion and feminism interact with each other not only in relation to their appointments but also in relation to their work with pupils .
7 Lawrence Kohlberg 's empirical work on moral development follows , as far as its basic stance is concerned , the structure and assumptions of Jean Piaget , who has demonstrated apparently invariant sequences of change , not only in relation to moral development , but in other areas , too .
8 Moreover , as will emerge in later chapters , segregation became the order of the day , not only in relation to the world outside the house , but in the arrangement of its internal plan .
9 Indeed , in many respects , such an arrangement would strengthen the independence of the auditor , not only in relation to an industry 's sponsoring department but also with respect to the potential pressures of overbearing industry chairmen .
10 He reminded the Treasury that in 1856 he had made it a policy that all public buildings in London should be open to competition and not given as a matter of course to one of his officers , and if their Lordships did not want to hold another competition , they could well appoint the winner of the Foreign Office design , as the judges had selected the prize-winning schemes ‘ not only in regard to their external appearance , but more especially on account of the excellence of their internal arrangements ’ .
11 Now that the education and library boards independently assess the formula according to which they delegate budgets to schools , does not the Minister fear that a great disparity in provision will result — not only in regard to pupil-teacher ratios , but in regard to every other aspect of provision across the different area boards ?
12 ( s11(4) ) It is likely that these factors , and especially the availability of insurance , will be relevant in most cases where reasonableness is considered , and not merely in relation to clauses which impose a financial limit on damages ( Flamar Interocean Ltd v Denmac [ 1990 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 434 ) .
13 It offered answers for frequently raised questions about China 's relatively low level of development not just in comparison to western nations but also to other eastern states such as Japan , South Korea and others .
14 It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Council on Disability was in the process of investigating the services different agencies are providing for disabled people — not just in relation to physical access , but also in relation to access to the network of information on different services and projects which exclude disability interests .
15 This point is highly significant and not just in relation to the text under discussion .
16 Their participation in elections , in congresses and committees as a tribe was not directly in opposition to the government , even though the government did not approve .
17 It is suggested that the words in square brackets be deleted from clause 11.2 as the landlord 's solicitors will doubtless make several statements in writing to the tenant 's solicitors during a transaction and not always in reply to written inquiries .
18 By the time it met , however , the momentum for greater political co-operation within the EC , not least in response to East European developments , was such that more radical reform was put in motion .
19 During North Shields ' development in the second half of the nineteenth century , issues of urban land development were crucial , not least in relation to the politics of the local state .
20 Very considerable concern has been expressed about the ventilation systems , not least in relation to the lavatories on some of the platforms .
21 Among Christian feminist theologians who may be said to have employed in part a ‘ golden thread ’ approach , although not specifically in relation to the question of ordaining women , is Rosemary Ruether .
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