Example sentences of "not [adj] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
2 They eventually got the message after about 30 minutes that we were not prepared to bribe them with anything and let us through to the Romanian side .
3 ‘ Nurses everywhere are working under intense and growing pressure and today 's announcement will be a heavy blow since it says clearly that the Government does not value their efforts and is not prepared to treat them with fairness or justice . ’
4 The shadow Leader of the House can not ask me to hear a point of order from the Front Bench when I am not prepared to hear them from those on the Back Benches .
5 ‘ I see that whatever they were you 're not prepared to share them with anyone . ’
6 It was not easy to relate them to any obvious scheme .
7 It is not easy to approach them in a situation like that , without being angry .
8 The lawyers turned to their law books to find a precedent , but there was not much to help them except perhaps Ramsey v Hartley ( 1977 ) 2 All ER 673 , described in The Journal of Business Law as ‘ an odd case ’ ( January 1978 at page 77 ) .
9 Erm simple as that if I give you a list of telephone numbers you 're not likely to remember them for long , you might be able
10 He did not enumerate them , but it is not hard to reconstruct them from the records of over half a century of Masai administration .
11 It is perhaps not inappropriate to compare them to the astronauts in our own day : they had broken into an uncharted region , blazed a new trail to God and to the depths of the self and had returned to earth like the heroes of antiquity , bringing news of a hitherto unimaginable realm which gave an entirely new perspective on the human condition .
12 As the comments run into hundreds of pages in total , it was not feasible to append them as a single annex to this report .
13 All languages have systems but they do not all use them for the same purposes ; what is an essential distinction in one language may be quite disregarded in another .
14 Five people who 've been nominated for awards are not available to receive them from her Royal Highness .
15 Apart from the last purpose set out in condition ( c ) he is not entitled to make them for any other purpose .
16 And having got under them , he ca n't half tear them to pieces .
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