Example sentences of "not [verb] your [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
2 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
3 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
4 Why not make your visit to the theatre extra special , and spend a night at one of Scarborough 's best hotels ?
5 ‘ When you reap the harvest on your land , you shall not reap your field to its very border , neither shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest .
6 Do not give your camera to a passing stranger and ask him to take a picture of you , so many times it has happened that the stranger has then run off with it .
7 If you can not see your way to doing this , I regret that I shall have to suggest to the Parish Council that they consider moving this account to another bank .
8 If I snatch your hat from your head with intent to steal it , that is conversion as well as trespass , but if I throw it at another person , that is trespass only , for I am not questioning your title to it .
9 Why not switch your agents to checking those places ? ’
10 I did not mean your consent to this .
11 Would n't it be great if you did n't consider your job to be actual work because you really enjoyed it ?
12 ‘ You ca n't give your animals to me . ’
13 ‘ Please do n't break your promise to Dana — I shall survive ; and now you must excuse me , I have a lot to do before I go to the NEC . ’
14 Ca n't keep your eyes to yourself . ’
15 ‘ If you ca n't keep your hands to yourself , do something useful .
16 Do n't keep your worries to yourself !
17 If you have n't got your ticket to the 1991 Federation Cup by NEC , presented by Midland Bank , then call now .
18 ‘ Do n't recount your excuses to me .
19 Well , is it , you mean technology has n't affected your job to such an extent that you feel that you know you could get laid off at any minute if they bring in something new ?
20 ‘ I mean , ’ he spelled out for her , ‘ I wo n't force your engagement to my brother to an end if I feel some aspects of it are going to be — how shall we say ? — under my control . ’
21 Do n't leave your decision to the last moment — you should not expect your surveyor to hurry a report which can potentially save you thousands of pounds — talk to him as soon as you have chosen your purchase .
22 You ca n't shut your eyes to it .
23 ‘ It 's a pity you could n't persuade your family to be here today . ’
24 When you know them better , by all means invite them to a party meeting but do n't let your attitude to them be dependent on their political philosophy .
25 ‘ If you do n't connect your portable to a network then you 've a lot of data going to waste , ’ he observes .
26 Do n't block your mind to the seeming impossibility of the task .
27 ‘ Well , I should n't pin your hopes to that particular mast , sweetheart , ’ he sneered .
28 Do n't close your ears to the world and do n't give up .
29 ‘ When you hear them chanting ‘ What a waste of money ’ you ca n't close your ears to it , no matter how much you try .
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