Example sentences of "not [verb] him [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 I decided not to inform him of this .
2 His education had not prepared him for this in any way .
3 Sir Charles , whose practice as a family solicitor in Hertfordshire had not prepared him for this sort of thing , was losing control .
4 Eden wrote : ‘ After three months without a comment from the Prime Minister ’ ( he had not seen him during this period , which included the ‘ internationalization ’ of the Spanish Civil War ) , ‘ I found this an astonishing doctrine , ’
5 I have not seen him since this morning . ’
6 Freud believed that at the root of all neuroses lay repressed sexual desires , but even if one does not follow him in this , it would be hard to resist the conclusion that this was true of some of his patients .
7 Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl 's problem .
8 We can not blame him for this — he has his career to think of — but we must protest when he puts on his most earnest face and lectures the other two parties .
9 We must not blame him for this for he is a product of the evolution which used that very ruthlessness to make him just what he is , and what we all are at the beginning of our lives .
10 She would not , could not leave him for this boy !
11 She saw that he had changed colour , and , always affected by other people 's feelings , she now experienced some of his embarrassment and wished she had not put him in this position .
12 His message got through : Laniel approved a proposal to send a Socialist Deputy , Alain Savary , to open up preliminary talks , but Bidault , now Foreign Minister and still a hawk , refused : ‘ Ho Chi Minh is giving in ; do not support him by this contact . ’
13 Young Daniel 's death had been as great a tragedy , but had not taken him like this .
14 But his wisdom would not help him in this instance .
15 ‘ I reckon his best chance would be as a goal-kicking winger but I do n't want him in this role for Widnes .
16 We ca n't trust him after this . ’
17 I have n't seen him since this morning . ’
18 I thought we agreed you would n't see him till this was over . ’
19 ‘ I ca n't see him like this , Liddy ! ’ said Bathsheba , looking in horror at her dusty dress .
20 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
21 He was right , but she could n't leave him like this .
22 The technique learned during those years did n't fail him on this occasion , for he stepped forward , swung the bitel in such a way that to my amazement and also that of the onlookers , the disc just sprang up the standard and hit the gong with a resounding clang , whereupon Dad modestly collected his prize of a coconut , handed it to me to carry and we went on our way .
23 He has n't , they have n't paid him for this car yet
24 ‘ Well , if she has a relative here , you wo n't find him in this part of the house .
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