Example sentences of "not [verb] their [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Men blend their behaviour less than women , but their androgyny and blending do not affect their susceptibility to traditional gender schemas ( Heilbrun 1984 ) .
2 Similarly , parents of children who have been victims of sexual offences may not want their child to be interrogated and to go through the trauma of reliving the experience in court .
3 They did not want their gesture to be viewed as part of that historical movement but as a genuine protest with genuine grievances .
4 The parents have said they do not want their schools to be self-governing but they see the legislation as the only way to avoid closure .
5 Explanatory leaflets and posters in several languages offer people the option of not allowing their blood to be tested .
6 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
7 Customers in search of lounge furniture need not restrict their purchases to the conventional combination of settee and two armchairs .
8 Users looking for information on a particular subject did not restrict their consultation to the subject portion of the catalogue .
9 The SEC , however , have not limited their zeal to specific individual targets .
10 As the statement makes clear : ‘ Students who are involved in sexual/romantic relationships with staff and who do not consider their involvement to be truly consensual should have the right of complaint under a sexual harassment policy . ’
11 ‘ While certain highly specialist services are only available at specific locations , this does not lessen their accessibility to those patients in need of them , ’ he said .
12 They had not confined their work to the schemes the judges selected , but looked at the remainder of the exhibition , and added eight of their own choice .
13 We can certainly agree that political sociologists have not confined their attention to the narrower governmental sphere or believed that this constitutes a part ( albeit an important part ) of the world of politics .
14 Most MPs who voted against Lloyd George in 1922 did not envisage a Unionist government as the final outcome , and the defeated ministers did not expect their discomfiture to be permanent .
15 Not all infested people will develop symptoms , and those who do may not ascribe their itching to the presence of crabs in the pubic area .
16 ‘ My mum and dad managed not to open their traps to each other for fourteen years , ’ Len said .
17 These ministers had mostly either left the west of Scotland because they could not reconcile their consciences to episcopacy when it was restored there , or had come to Ulster to evangelise and serve the Scots settlers .
18 The clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Johnson however that the guardians ‘ did not see their way to continuing supplying champagne ’ .
19 Inc. ( 1991 ) in which it was held that the " white pages " in a typical telephone directory are not protected by copyright because of a lack of creativity , not owing their origin to an act of authorship .
20 These are people who instead of waiting passively to see what life will bring , have decided not to leave their happiness to chance .
21 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
22 However , as Norton and Aughey ( 1981 ) comment of Conservative Party members in general , whether young or not so young , ‘ generally party activists tend not to devote their energies to political discussion , not because they are discouraged from doing so , but because they themselves prefer to do other things ’ ( pp. 219–20 ) .
23 In Kufra , in 1979 , some people did not pay their contribution to the small boy who visited the houses , so their shaikh went in person .
24 BSkyB can not split their transmissions to black out programmes in various parts of Britain , the same way as BBC or ITV .
25 Mercedes-Benz , Siemens and Bayer do not owe their success to the Bundesbank : the Bundesbank owes its strength to German industrial progress .
26 And if species did not owe their origins to God , was there a Divine Creator at all ?
27 Consequently , the former could not owe their form to the latter , and so magical correspondences between them were eliminated .
28 Yet many of them come to terms with it magnificently , trying so hard not to add their pain to that of their children , in a situation that sometimes neither of them can alter .
29 For one 's frailties to be known by someone else , someone who does not add their voice to the clamour of internal judgement , is the first step back towards being able to view one 's predicament simultaneously with accuracy and equanimity .
30 YUGOSLAVS determined to oppose CROATS and will not allow their surrender to BRIT troops .
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