Example sentences of "not [verb] it [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And while I think we ought to do what we can , I think there 's a line which ought to be drawn , and I do honestly wonder whether twenty-one , it was eighteen last year , and I just wonder if perhaps we should erm try and switch some of these to mid-week , so that we 're not seeing it virtually every Saturday of the year .
2 This does not make it any the less disturbing and below we will discuss contemporary styles of delinquency in greater detail .
3 However , it has been said that advice which is intended to have persuasive effect is not distinguishable from inducement and ‘ the fact that an inducement to break a contract is couched as an irresistible embargo rather than in terms of seduction does not make it any the less an inducement . ’
4 Whilst the issue of ‘ crimes of the powerful ’ , to use Pearce 's ( 1976 ) evocative phrase , is now often portrayed as a left-wing cliche , this does not make it any the less a problem .
5 Because it means you can always criticize the individual , for either not having done the job well enough or for having not done it quite the way you thought it ought to be done .
6 I would agree with that , but I would just like to pick up three two of there have been one or two instances felt that they have necessarily make aware perhaps that something 's coming up in er difficult , but I just wanted to mention that er I do n't know what the procedures are actually , but I mean it d did n't seem to be one or two cases not saying it necessarily the department 's fault , I 'm er just making the point .
7 If the client can not afford it then the sensible way to proceed would be to continue to press the insurers to form a view on liability .
8 That the White Revolution was massively acclaimed by referendum in 1973 did not commend it any the more to the clergy .
9 So there would b take away this anomaly of old people having to use three buses to get from one end of the town to the other , which means , in actual fact , that each bus they went on to , they paid this ten pence , which if there 's three , if they do not turn it twice a week , twice a day , that 's sixty pence .
10 We do n't do it once a year — we do it all year round — wherever the town councillors or the Abbot will pay us to put on a show . ’
11 Presumably one reason why people doing something is they did n't do it enough the first time , or they did n't do it properly , or they did n't do it successfully and therefore they 've got ta keep doing it .
12 So those but Fantasia passes are very similar , I just turned mine turned mine round she saw it and went she showed me a blank yellow so I did n't thought it perhaps a different pass but it was n't just turned it round on her .
13 If you ca n't manage it twice a week in a part of the country which has n't seen any action since the Wars Of The Roses , what hope is there for the rest of us ?
14 What would happen if the district council did n't support it yet the county council er supported it ?
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