Example sentences of "not [verb] to [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Although , strictly speaking , the bearers were not assigned to individuals and worked as a pool , carrying messages for anybody in the building , in practice they identified themselves with particular people .
2 Concentrations of sulphur dioxide from burning of low-grade coal at the region 's power stations led to a heavy smog in mid-February ; children were told not to go to school and some pregnant women were evacuated .
3 I 'd love to make a black version , in which some kids from South Central LA , who get bussed out to the Sand Fernando Valley ( affluent LA suburb ) , decide not to go to class and start tramping around Fernando doing what they did in that movie .
4 A sleepy old town is Devizes Not given to chaos and crisis The major event 's A canoe race in Lent With stiff backs and sore bums as prizes !
5 Freedom of speech and expression is not limited to broadcasters and television producers , but is a basic right guaranteed to all viewers .
6 Moreover , the test applies to all unusual or unreasonable terms , and is not limited to exclusion and limitation clauses .
7 The men disappeared behind a distant quayside shed , but she dared not trust to luck and hid behind a winch .
8 The poem is not addressed to Artemisia and is , on that account , probably from some time before that friendship commenced .
9 Of course cliques centred on ministers are not confined to Nonconformists and Spurgeon 's plain speaking was in the tradition of Bunyan and before him of generations of mediaeval preachers .
10 Kurdish insurgent activity was not confined to Iraq and Iran but contributed to the atmosphere of insecurity that prevailed in Turkey before the military coup in 1980 .
11 In the following year it became clear that fascism was not confined to Germany and Italy but was a development common to all European countries .
12 Sadly , it was not confined to writers and artists , for though it may be unfair to blame Nietzsche for his appropriation by Nazi ideologues , there is no question but that his doctrine of the superman and his apparent anti-semitism provided them with fertile soil .
13 Though I was a student of literature and , I believe , a reasonably good teacher , and loved my work , and though I was , moreover , a serious poet who had gained some small recognition in circles even outside my own University , my writing life was not confined to poems and articles , or even lectures .
14 The finest Perpendicular examples are not confined to cathedrals and abbeys but are to be found in parish churches , chapels and houses .
15 This liberalizing trend was , of course , not confined to Nonconformity and marked the Church of England as well : witness the fierce debates over the doctrine of eternal punishment , the recitation of the Athanasian Creed and the verbal inspiration of the Old Testament .
16 God 's glory is not confined to heaven and the future life with Christ which Christians look forward to with confidence .
17 point out further to this that " non-assertive contexts " are not confined to negatives and questions , but also include semi-negatives such as hardly and only , conditional clauses , comparative clauses , putative should-clauses and restrictive relative clauses with conditional meaning .
18 Non-collection is not confined to Strathclyde and Glasgow but applies also to the shires , which collected only 82 per cent .
19 The state is simply the agency which buttresses and consolidates the rules and institutions of exclusion , which are not confined to class and educational credentials , but in particular societies may also include racial , religious , ethnic , and gender-based forms of exploitation .
20 His journals in particular constitute a moving memorial to a young man of integrity and moral courage , whose determination not to succumb to pain and humiliation was at times heroic .
21 I learnt not to talk to strangers and I thought it was funny .
22 Conversely , OPCS recorded that 68 admissions were not related to alcohol and review of notes showed that only 38 ( 35% ) admissions fell into this category .
23 Not according to Downes and Young ( 1987 ) , who found that in the post-war period , the rate of increase of crime under the Conservatives was , on average , twice that under Labour .
24 A senior executive at Jardine Matheson , Hong Kong Land 's parent , said : ‘ We have not talked to Olympia and we have no intention of doing so . ’
25 Conrad was accordingly taken to task for not reporting to Rome and was ( wrongly ) reproved for taking part in the assembly .
26 Since most of the prostatic cancers detected in this study had not metastasised to bone and were well or moderately well differentiated these patients might have suffered if detection had been delayed .
27 Of thirty-four statutes repealed along with the general act in 1824 , twenty had been passed since 1714 ; ten of these had been passed in Dublin and did not apply to England and one was specific to Scots miners .
28 Does Article 37 mean that the normal grounds for termination of a treaty ( material breach and rebus sic stantibus ) do not apply to obligations and rights created for third States ?
29 The Town Development Act , 1952 , did not apply to Scotland and it became necessary to cope with Glasgow 's housing problem by means of a second New Town .
30 This is the closest the British pension system has got to earnings sharing between spouses , and it does not apply to men and women whose marriages end in divorce .
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