Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun pl] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Neo-Expressionists mostly seem too dour to qualify — and most do not make prints on a sufficiently regular basis .
2 The SCA deliberately do not make agreements on the grounds that there is a legal right to paddle Scottish rivers , a position disputed by some .
3 I agree also that if the writing of the will and the appending of the signature are all one operation , it does not matter whereabouts on the document or when in the course of the writing the signature is appended .
4 He has also insisted that we will not keep troops on the ground when the war is over , and that a solution must be found by the local governments and not imposed on them by the US and/or Britain .
5 Most blue-collar workers will not regain jobs on the assembly line , and a productivity revolution in services may destroy office jobs in the short term .
6 She abandoned the tricksy paths , forcing herself through a tunnel between purple rhododendrons , trying not to leave footprints on the soil .
7 Crime on the island is comparatively rare but tourists are warned not to leave valuables on the beach .
8 Having decided not to use herbicides on a weedy patch , we laid out black plastic to smother the weeds when they grew .
9 I would not lay hands on the Lady Eleanor , even though my eyes …
10 They may not , they may not have carpets on the floor , but they 've all got videos .
11 Already , member states may not maintain restrictions on the access of , or marketing prohibitions on , products or services which do not comply with national specifications .
12 How could she possibly know , since he had not set eyes on the girl ?
13 The first is , we can not blame feelings on the other person .
14 Do not leave objects on the stairs .
15 But such a name never appeared , perhaps for the reason the New Yorker itself suggested : you can not fix labels on a world of shadows .
16 It does not require restrictions on the movement of capital simply to be abolished ; rather it requires them to be abolished ‘ to the extent necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the common market ’ .
17 It said 56 per cent of those asked believed the president had misled the public during last year 's election campaign when he said he would not raise taxes on the middle class to pay for his programmes .
18 There are , therefore , three kinds of consent that do not impose obligations on the agent : first , where his personal situation is not affected by the consent ; second , where his personal situation is favourably affected , for the consent is a condition of his possession of a right or of some other benefit ; third , where his personal situation is adversely affected , but by waiving a right rather than by undertaking an obligation .
19 Brooke-Rose does not impose metaphors on the thematic material she employs in Out , rather she chooses to work with material that is already metaphoric .
20 There was other evidence that , with a moderate ( 2 to 3 per cent ) rate of economic growth , the demographic trends would not impose pressures on the public purse until 2020 and a crisis would occur only if the economy failed to grow by 2 per cent or more .
21 Writing off the gaps on the map will not involve evictions on the scale of Poletown , but then nothing is coming to take the place of the bulldozed blocks ; and sealing one neighbourhood 's coffin might lead to the decline of the other neighbourhoods around it .
22 Since the crux pitch is ( F6a ) , the climbers who bolted the route had assumed anyone on the route was good enough not to need bolts on the grade-4 pitches .
23 Lord Scarman ( 1981 ) , in providing the social background to the Brixton disorders of 10–12 April 1981 , was at pains to point out that deprivations do not justify attacks on the police or excuse such disorders .
24 whether this is only a temporary down-turn which may in the end not necessitate redundancies on the scale now envisaged ;
25 Yes I have n't got anything else except t tins , and you do n't want tins on a Sunday do you ?
26 If there is little or no bias it does n't matter whereabouts on the line you start .
27 ‘ I want to avoid it , ’ he said of the ‘ little incidents ’ , but , when pressed , added : ‘ You ca n't control footballers on the field . ’
28 ‘ Down here we have n't set eyes on a banana for years !
29 You know sometimes do n't read magazines on a regular basis .
30 They do n't have things on the van now do they ?
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