Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Exclusion of liability for breach of warranty does not cover breach of a condition ( Wallis Son & Wells v Pratt & Haynes [ 1911 ] AC 394 ; Baldry v Marshall [ 1925 ] 1 KB 260 ) .
2 Carry over : Try not to carry part of a sentence over to the next page and if at all possible leave paragraphs intact as well .
3 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
4 Masculinity is defined by what it is not ; the term ‘ masculinity ’ does not make sense without a knowledge of the term ‘ femininity ’ .
5 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
6 The reply , then , it can be said , does not make use of a feature of effects independent of their being necessitated events , which feature can be used to argue that they are necessitated events .
7 An observational study of a production line , say , although it might want to talk a great deal about the alienative effects of such work , could not make use of an attitude scale in the way that a questionnaire study might .
8 Do not throw rubbish onto an open fire in the living room .
9 In November 1988 Nelson was charged with threatening to kill a man from Sandy Row and warning him not to attend court as a witness in an assault case .
10 We should be cautious about using these results to argue that verbal pretraining does not influence performance on a recognition memory test .
11 But it can not treat gender as a theoretical or methodological category , that might structure its own tools and methods of inquiry , and so it can not examine its own discourse for masculine bias .
12 There are a number of confounding factors in our deliberation , such as level of knowledge of BSL and the styles involved , attitudes which do not treat BSL as an adequate language code , and the pressures and difficulties of the interpreting task itself .
13 Secondly , Meshkinpour did not regard confirmation of a diagnosis as influencing patient management whereas we felt that it was of value in certain situation such as in patients with suspected achalasia before myotomy .
14 For the clinical and educational professions ( and the lay notions which derive their values from them ) , their very practice makes it clear what fact it is that you ‘ come to terms ’ with : you have not given birth to a member of the human species as we define it , and to which we allocate certain rights and social roles , but to an object of pathology — a ‘ monster ’ , to use a technical term employed in medical anatomy .
15 However , the following day , when the floorboards were removed to examine the beam , it was found to be so deeply cracked in two places that they ascribed the fact that it had not given way to a ‘ wonder of [ God 's ] providence ’ .
16 This unbalanced , choleric individual is a mad dog who should be shot and not given command of a kingdom .
17 Equally , the rules and practices of the SRO should not restrict competition to an extent which is greater than necessary for the protection of investors .
18 ‘ Can I make it absolutely clear we do not intend this to happen , will not let this happen and will not introduce change in a way which might cause it to happen ? ’
19 He may be a little abrasive at times , he maya not come pre-packaged with a lot of safe rock attitudes , but he is one of the true independents .
20 You can not stimulate success by a tax policy that penalises the successful and drives small traders bankrupt . ’
21 The DC does not need assessment by a user ( other than the specified user ) , who manages a package outside the structure referencing one of the modules in the steering file .
22 In theory , EEC countries do not need production of a Green Card , but in practice most hauliers carry one to facilitate an uninterrupted crossing .
23 This notion of breaking a repertoire of language behaviour into a progressive series , moving from simple to complex stages , bore little resemblance to traditional theories of learning since it did not include rote-memorisation as an essential element .
24 ( 10 ) The references in this section to the execution of a deed by an individual do not include execution by a corporation sole and the reference in subsection ( 7 ) above to signing , sealing or delivery by an individual does not include signing , sealing or delivery by such a corporation .
25 The objectives of the Network do not include distribution of a large volume of third party sell situations , although some involvement in them may be a necessary feature of certain domestic M&A marketplaces .
26 Money may be able to buy flying time , but it can not buy skill — and it most certainly can not guarantee success in an aerobatic championship .
27 The inclusion of the notion of subjectivity in the above definition might seem surprising here , but I am not equating deixis with a concept that stands in rough opposition to objectivity .
28 ‘ We can not win consent to a technocratic solution .
29 That person may hold ‘ citizenship ’ as a legal , national status , but does not display citizenship as a quality .
30 Baltic fishermen 's wives were schooled for disaster ; marrying a fisherman was not to launch life on a smooth certainty .
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