Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Radio and television programmes of the high inquiring calibre of ‘ Today ’ , ‘ The World at One ’ or ‘ Newsnight ’ do not exist in France to anything like the same degree .
2 any of the rights of the shares to receive payments ( whether in respect of dividends , in respect of redemption or otherwise ) are for a limited amount which is not calculated by reference to the company 's assets or profits or the dividends on any class of equity share .
3 any of their rights to participate in a surplus in a winding up are limited to a specific amount which is not calculated by reference to the company 's assets or profits and such limitation had a commercial effect in practice at the time the shares were issued or , if later , at the time the limitation was introduced .
4 The search for a laterality index that is not biased with respect to accuracy recently led Bryden and Sprott ( 1981 ) to propose the adoption of a new index , lamda , based on the log odds ratios ( P/ ( l — P ) ; P/ ( l -P ) where PR and P , are the respective probabilities of a correct response at the left and right sides .
5 We are now trying to affirm citizenship through the vote and therefore the nature in which we distribute these seats and the affirmation that we give through the vote will not relate in fact to any of the sentiments I believe as pronounced by the opposition front bench .
6 Current legislation is embodied in the Health and Safety at Work Act which places a general duty on an employer to ‘ conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , as far as is practicable , that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby , are not exposed to risks to their health and safety . ’
7 Injuries and deaths at work are a significant and reducible source of danger to the citizen , and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides the framework for the regulation of safety in work-places with an offence of failing to ensure that , ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable ’ , employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
8 For example , in addition to the road-traffic offences , there are offences under sections 32 and 33 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 of endangering railway passengers ; there are the offences under section 1(2) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 of endangering the lives of others by causing damage to property ( usually by fire ) ; the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 penalizes employers for failure to ensure that employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety ; and there are offences , such as that under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , of selling goods in contravention of safety regulations .
9 The Health and Safety at Work ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1978 requires the University to ensure , as far as is reasonably practicable , that students are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
10 If , faute-de-mieux , it has to be accepted , notice should immediately be given to the company , making it clear that this is a notice which it can not disregard in relation to any lien it may claim , and an attempt should be made to obtain information about the amount , if any , then owed to the company .
11 ‘ We surprise clients by recommending them not to proceed from time to time , ’ he says .
12 Charles and his contemporaries did not appeal for authority to individual judgement or experience : instead they invoked shared role-models and peer-group pressure .
13 Because viewing distance from the screen does not fall in proportion to the screen dimensions , this resolution becomes acceptable .
14 In this research social information , as opposed to psychiatric diagnosis , was not considered by psychiatrists to be central to their task , although they were aware of the influence of social factors on psychiatric symptomatology .
15 Throughout the period the needs of mothers were not considered in relation to providing a solution to the difficulties they faced ( for example in combining paid employment and motherhood ) , but rather in respect to a precise concept of motherhood as a social function .
16 Unlike most forms of home territory , however , Ends are not colonized in opposition to authority .
17 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
18 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
19 IT is high time that we stopped this charade of swearing allegiance to the Queen and her heirs and successors because we do not know from time to time who they are .
20 A list of 1797 provides the information that the 25 per cent of London 's banks who did not act as agent to even one country bank included most of those in the West End but only a few of the older of the Lombard Street group .
21 Now I 'm not looking to people to be totally bloody minded , erm , but I 'm gon na for people to sort of totally cave in , erm , with these newly acquired influencing skills , because as we 've said all along , they will work on some occasions , but they 're not gon na work all the time .
22 We are not looking for additions to the canon of ‘ sacred places ’ .
23 I 'm not prepared I 'm not prepared for individuals to get up but if your not if you do n't want to listen to what I 've got to say that 's okay but I do n't I 'm not prepared for people to perhaps to start making personal points about people actual work within the I certainly would n't do it I do n't think it 's it 's a question of .
24 Of the other parties SDLP suffered because the votes of Republican Clubs supporters in particular were not transferred on elimination to SDLP candidates and support for Republican Clubs was so dispersed throughout the province that there was insufficient support in any constituency for one of their candidates to be elected .
25 On Singer/Superba machines , stitches are not transferred from side to side , but instead from back bed to front bed .
26 Reputations outside the Office , however , are not built upon application to paperwork or the efficiency with which business is despatched .
27 Wittgenstein 's discussion is certainly not peppered with references to narrow-front migration , smoke-bathing , or Skinner boxes , ( nor is that of Regan , Singer , Frey , or Midgley herself , come to that ) , since his concern is to clarify the implications of our everyday ways of attributing psychological concepts like hope , fear , belief , understanding , and so on .
28 Then Mrs St Maugham asks a friend whom she has not seen for years to lunch .
29 And I think that 's a , you know and it 's the fact that society allows a lot of abuse to happen to women and therefore it 's not seen as hatred to women , it 's seen as perfectly acceptable .
30 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
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