Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 We do not know who the first organist in the old church were .
2 Why not join them the next time your barometer begins to fall rapidly ?
3 He did not hear her the first time , she had to repeat what she said .
4 Graham felt oddly satisfied at seeing life go on around him like this ; he felt almost smug at walking past people and them not giving him a second glance , at least not now he 'd got rid of Slater .
5 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
6 Peter had won three times already and had been unlucky not to make it a fourth title the year before .
7 You can not imagine what the first few minutes of that bombardment were like .
8 I said to her if she did n't make it the first time , let her lend you my hammer she said do n't you talk like that and do n't you let e Geoff hear you !
9 " I do n't know what the next step will be but someone will make the breakthrough " said Cadogan .
10 They wo n't catch me a second time .
11 As I say , providing this is the second , does n't matter what the first one was .
12 The dog is commanded to sit and if he does n't do it the first time , he is pushed gently into position .
13 Veiled women carrying home shopping did n't give me a second glance .
14 I did n't give them a second glance .
15 People got in and out of the lifts and did n't give him a second glance .
16 Secure in their mountain fortresses , the Dwarfs did n't give it a second thought .
17 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
18 ‘ He did n't like me the last time around .
19 He really did n't like it the first time we played it , so he tried spoiling it .
20 I did n't believe it the first time either . ’
21 I could n't face it a second time .
22 Actually he did n't call it a third round , since he did n't solicit new entries but used the same 63 as for Round 2 .
23 It was only when they came out of the rearmost door and found a temporary hut facing them with Radio Room marked on the door , that they realised why they had n't found it the first time .
24 ‘ If they would n't tell us the first time , why should they do so now ? ’
25 And he said , it 's most unlike me , as you probably know , but he said I could n't tell you the last time I had time off work , but he said , I have n't been into the office since th cos I 've been feeling really bad !
26 She had n't rejected him the first time , though , just evaded a decision , wanting him to strengthen it somehow .
27 Mr Justice Judge told Mrs Salmon , of Park Gate , Hants : ‘ I ca n't imagine what the last 10 years must have been like for you waiting for this to be sorted out . ’
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