Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 But his small rebellion did not bring him even a modest reward .
2 So there would b take away this anomaly of old people having to use three buses to get from one end of the town to the other , which means , in actual fact , that each bus they went on to , they paid this ten pence , which if there 's three , if they do not turn it twice a week , twice a day , that 's sixty pence .
3 I do n't think you well a month now , I mean cotton is a natural .
4 a week and he has n't phoned me once a year
5 We do n't do it once a year — we do it all year round — wherever the town councillors or the Abbot will pay us to put on a show . ’
6 So those but Fantasia passes are very similar , I just turned mine turned mine round she saw it and went she showed me a blank yellow so I did n't thought it perhaps a different pass but it was n't just turned it round on her .
7 But I mean even it obviously does n't cost them over a thousand pounds to produce and i we would n't have bought it anyway , so in a sense it is n't they 're not actually losing much by giving to us are they ?
8 It 's a very simple procedure , and usually does n't cost you even a stamp .
9 If he did n't hear me go outside , he wo n't hear me open a can or two , will he ?
10 If you ca n't manage it twice a week in a part of the country which has n't seen any action since the Wars Of The Roses , what hope is there for the rest of us ?
11 A short time later he could n't prevent himself from asking whether she did n't love him just a little .
12 I I I was just thinking about a if I could n't find anything else a fifteen quid voucher for somewhere .
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