Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 His family , friends and colleagues were not to see him again for 19 months .
2 Perhaps student life does not prepare anyone adequately for the daily slog of an ordinary job , and after two or three attempts to settle into a career in sales management and even in personnel , she had taken off for America .
3 The Government 's present position is one of scepticism about the value of a ban on tobacco advertising , but Secretary of State William Waldegrave has said ‘ I do not rule it out for ever , certainly : but it is just not the highest priority at the moment …
4 ‘ The archbishop can not compensate me enough for slavery in Salzburg …
5 She had not expected him home for at least another hour .
6 ‘ I would bring something back for someone else but I would not bring it back for myself .
7 they 've not , yeah , they 've not phoned her up for God knows how long .
8 ‘ King Richard can not keep you here for ever , my lord .
9 King Richard can not keep you here for ever , Brackenbury had said .
10 They stopped just beyond the steps of the food office and , all the irritation seeming to flow from him , he looked at her meekly now as he said , ‘ I may not see you again for weeks .
11 He might desire her — he did desire her — but he would not marry her only for that !
12 Flinging a cloth over a side table , she now turned towards Mick and said , ‘ I 'm not puttin' meself out for you , mind .
13 Leopold was doomed to spend the rest of his life in Salzburg , and Wolfgang was not to leave it again for over two more weary years .
14 Oh it 's it it 's on a it 's on erm it 's on a plate so you er I do n't mind I 'm , you know I do n't mind not getting it back for the next month .
15 ‘ I 'm not doing it just for you , Ellie , ’ Patsy said , spitting into his hands .
16 I have been able to get on with ‘ getting better ’ simply because my colleagues have taken responsibility for my work load ever since the Executive Committee Meeting in July , and I can not thank them enough for all that they have done .
17 Ranulf was full of himself , rather peeved that his master did not thank him properly for his rescue , making sly references to his own archery .
18 And we responded to the need that you , and I do n't think you will ever appreciate it , I can not thank you enough for your input in this product of yours .
19 Lucy insisted on not taking it seriously for days .
20 Years later , 1948 tourist Doug Ring , speaking at a dinner , thanked George Tribe for not making it back for that crucial pre-tour season .
21 Just remember next year , you do not put me in for
22 I find that people tend to not put themselves down for training courses .
23 We have come all this way to take part in a major game , not put ourselves up for auction . ’
24 The effect of this extended limitation is that , even where the next friend has started proceedings during the disability , the court will not strike them out for want of prosecution , since the minor or patient could start new proceedings when the disability ceases : Tolley v Morris [ 1979 ] 1 All ER 71 .
25 PAMELA : O , good sir , let me beg you will not urge me further for feat I forget myself again and be saucy .
26 I have not dressed myself up for some time .
27 This is not as frightful as it may sound : with self-build projects the council inspectors are usually very helpful , although you should n't badger him/her relentlessly for advice , and employing reputable tradesmen should eliminate any problems with outside labour .
28 ‘ I do n't want you late for school on your first day back . ’
29 She realised , with hindsight , that he had n't forgiven her either for turning him down soon after she 'd joined the team .
30 ‘ Do n't throw it away for anyone — you may never get a second chance . ’
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