Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though Premier John Major has said he will not sack his chancellor before the Spring Budget its is very likely he will be forced to dismiss him soon after .
2 Recognizing that authoritarians did not phrase their bigotry in unqualified statements , Adorno et al .
3 Charlotte did not phrase her response as a rebuke , but it had much the same effect .
4 She came through the front door of the shop and was a little surprised at not seeing her husband behind the counter .
5 Nigel was paid for his work , but he hated not seeing his piece in print .
6 Pricing is a key factor ; you will want to recoup your expenses and make a profit , yet not overprice your paintings for the sort of audience you will attract .
7 Nevertheless , if we are to define what it is that influences our decisions whether or not to indulge our motivations towards crime we inevitably make suppositions about human needs or requirements , which are in turn predicated on assumptions about what it is that gives us pleasure or pain .
8 Instead of threatening Cumani , the punter with the violent rather than lucky streak should be kicking himself for not biding his time before backing Shellac .
9 He castigated the illustrator of Time Wasted Away for not bringing his work in line with that of Miss [ sic ] Vanessa Bell and , among other things , for depicting the sun as an eight-pointed starfish in the sky .
10 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
11 We have to live in the present , not make our present in the past .
12 For example , she was deeply opposed to opening in Manchester , as she did not think her type of customer lived there , but preferred to be associated with the older university towns or cathedral cities such as Bath or Edinburgh .
13 It is possible , too , that in striking the rock as he was told to do in Exodus 17 Moses this time has further infringed the divine command , though nothing was said explicitly about him not using his rod in that way .
14 When you are not using your hands in this manner , keep them at your sides .
15 E. P. Thompson , in criticising Lawrence Stone 's reconstruction of The Family , Sex and Marriage , warned that : ‘ the point of history is not to see their occasions through the mist of our feelings , nor to measure them against the Modern Us .
16 But we are not shirking our duty as tipsters .
17 It does not cover your car for damage in an accident , therefore it is usually the sort of policy taken out by people with old cars .
18 Now what the Capitulary of Thionville actually says is : ‘ When famine or plague occurs , men should not wait for our edict but should straightway pray to God for his mercy ; as to scarcity of food in this present year , let each man help his own people as best he can , and not sell his corn at too high a price . ’
19 In December 1977 the Headmistress of St Anselm 's School in Canterbury , one of Britain 's leading Roman Catholic Comprehensives , allowed a teacher who was a National Front candidate to continue in her post alter she had promised that her National Front views would not affect her treatment to black pupils .
20 Men blend their behaviour less than women , but their androgyny and blending do not affect their susceptibility to traditional gender schemas ( Heilbrun 1984 ) .
21 The background to its conclusion in 1933 did not affect its character as a concession agreement , and the United Kingdom remained a third party .
22 S -adenosylhomocysteine , a SAM analogue lacking the S -methyl group , and with a neutral rather than positively charged sulphur atom , binds to the repressor but does not affect its affinity for the operator ( T. McNally , personal communication ) .
23 The death of the Empress does not affect my opera in the least , for none of the theatres have been closed and plays are being performed as usual .
24 If the Royal Navy is patrolling Britain 's coastal waters , your consumption of national defence does not affect our quantity of national defence .
25 Ford later said that the Jaguar-GM talks had not affected its own plans ‘ Today 's announcement does not affect our view in any way , and we still plan to acquire up to a 15 per cent holding in Jaguar , ’ said a Ford spokesman in Detroit .
26 That does not affect our commitment to safety and it has nothing to do with privatisation .
27 Ending the agreement , whether by you or the Bank [ see Conditions 9 and 13 ] will not affect your responsibility for withdrawals made before the agreement is ended .
28 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
29 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
30 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
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