Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not seeing Fen for weeks or seeing him and knowing the futility of it all .
2 Leith asked promptly , sometimes not seeing Rosemary for days , but missing her now she was n't around .
3 Those who claimed a break-even or loss situation did not make allowance for home produced food .
4 The only proposition with which they could be eliciting an agreement is that made by A : but it does not make sense for B to elicit an agreement with A's proposition .
5 In addition , from a purely practical point of view it would not make sense for judgment creditors to be afforded preferential treatment in insolvencies .
6 John , whose Gospel scheme does not include , except by implication , the story of what the church , equipped with the Holy Spirit , achieved , and therefore could not make room for Pentecost ( as Luke does at the outset of his second volume ) , nevertheless makes the same point with considerable clarity In the first chapter of his Gospel he stresses that the Spirit rests exclusively upon Jesus , the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of the Old Testament for the bearer of the Spirit .
7 5.12.4 Unless the Landlord shall otherwise direct to carry out and complete before the expiry of the Term any works required to be carried out to or in the Premises as a condition of any planning permission which may have been granted during the Term irrespective of the date by which such works were required to be carried out It is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant not only complies with planning legislation but also does not make application for planning permission without the landlord 's consent .
8 Otto Reinhold , an East German ideologue , reinforced this gloomy view by insisting : ‘ We do not want reform for reform 's sake , but changes which will help the further development of socialism ’ .
9 I refer to your letter dated 6 July 1993 and would advise that after consideration , I have decided that I can not grant permission for day release .
10 Bogwood requires some weeks if not months , of soaking to remove the bulk of the tannins it contains — one does not varnish bogwood for Uaru tanks , as then eat the varnish and then die .
11 The Emperor will not consider proposals for peace .
12 He has been careful to confine his biggest tax penalties to those ‘ trapped ’ salaried employees who can not substitute leisure for work , while giving the self-employed special dispensation from higher National Insurance contributions .
13 When , at last , they were compelled to call a referendum on whether to do so , a solid majority voted not to try officers for crimes committed while they held power .
14 The fee for burial does not include charges for grave-digging , which may be carried out by a parochial officer ( in which case the vicar sets the charge ) , or by a grave-digger hired by the funeral director .
15 ( c ) The claim may not include damages for damage to the defective product itself .
16 Some normal household policies do not include cover for fish tanks and damage arising from the water which will inevitably pour on the floor .
17 We agree that the specific algorithm we used wold have been inappropriate if we were interested in examining seasonal or short-term changes in primary production , not because the algorithm does not include a grazing term but because it does not include terms for irradiance and quantum efficiency .
18 But it would not guarantee markets for products made out of old paper or plastic .
19 For good measure , and to show the regime 's non-Kurdish opponents that they are not trading democracy for autonomy , the Kurds asked for free elections throughout the country .
20 The Divisional Court held that the effect of the clause was not to exclude liability for breach of the terms concerned with merchantability and fitness for purpose in s14 of the SGA 1979 .
21 A clause excluding liability for " consequential loss " has been held not to exclude liability for losses which arise directly and naturally from a breach of contract , under the first head of Hadley v Baxendale ( 1859 ) 9 Ex 341 .
22 Such a clause in a contract to supply building materials to a building contractor did not exclude liability for damages payable by the contractor to sub-contractors as a result of delay in delivery ( Croudace Construction Ltd v Cawoods Concrete Products Ltd [ 1978 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 55 ) .
23 The Act also stipulates that a manufacturer 's guarantee can not exclude liability for damage caused or loss suffered as a result of the manufacturer 's negligence .
24 To summarise the exposition so far , a fiduciary can not exclude liability for fraud , deliberate breach of duty and possibly gross negligence .
25 The occupier can not exclude liability for death or personal injuries caused by negligence ( s. 2(1) ) .
26 This sexual activity does not prevent competition for females and the eventual acquisition of a harem .
27 Care should be taken , however , not to mistake buzzards for eagles .
28 In reply to your second question , most Land Rover Parts dealers do not stock parts for vehicles of military origin .
29 Was n't it Mr. Justice Cocklecarrot ( or was it Mr. Justice Wool ? ) in Misleading Cases in the Common Law who observed sternly to that persistent litigant , Mr. Haddock , ‘ People must not do things for fun .
30 He saw Anna occasionally but he had not seen Freda for years though he had to admit that he might not have recognised her had he passed her in the street .
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