Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 A lot of Tories wanted John Patten out of education , but even tough leaders do not sack ministers in mid-crisis .
2 Not seeing Fen for weeks or seeing him and knowing the futility of it all .
3 Leith asked promptly , sometimes not seeing Rosemary for days , but missing her now she was n't around .
4 As far as he was concerned , homosexuality did not exist north of Hampstead ( or perhaps south of it , either ) and despite the fact that its local manifestation was sitting in front of him he would not be convinced .
5 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
6 This is not to evade questions of strategy and tactics , merely to place them in an appropriate context .
7 FIVE schoolchildren in Japan were given 100-volt electric shocks for not bringing textbooks to class .
8 The natural communication system for humans is speech , not typing messages on keyboards and watching messages on television screens .
9 Paragraph ( c ) would appear not to affect decisions in cases such as Kendall v. Lillico ( see paragraph 10–07 ) and Cointat v. Myham ( see paragraph 10–08 ) cases where the purchaser chooses to buy goods for his business from a seller whose terms he has in a consistent course of dealing been apparently quite happy to accept or where the purchaser buys goods in a market in which a trade custom shows that merchants have found exclusion terms to be acceptable .
10 Stirling 's decision not to continue writer in residence is ill-advised
11 More importantly , he was a little wary of her father and not at all sure that Burkett was not using Sylvia as bait for a cast of his own .
12 Meanwhile , to ensure that the Germans did not rush reinforcements by rail to the threatened area , General Alexei Alexeievich Brusilov , commanding the South West Front , was ordered to make menacing probes in his area .
13 Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals , legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance .
14 It said the family of Mr Johnson must feel they have not received justice in respect of the death of their son .
15 made trade unions completely immune from actions in tort , though it did not affect liability of individuals ;
16 As shown in Figure 5 , treatment with cyclosporin A ( 5 or 10 mg/kg for eight days ) did not affect synthesis of prostaglandin E2 , 6k prostaglandin F1a , and thromboxane B2 by pancreatic tissue ex vivo .
17 Li Peng told Anan that the progress in China 's relations with Vietnam would not affect relations with Thailand or other South-East Asian nations .
18 This type of catalyst does not affect oxides of nitrogen .
19 The comparatively puny damages of £1,000 ( the cost of a dozen bottles of champagne at the expensive nightclub where the affair had begun ) and the public ridicule suffered by all parties may serve to remind editors of the wisdom of the adage that " dog does not eat dog in Fleet Street " .
20 He wanted talented members of the civil service to take temporary appointments in the police , but though agreeing in principle , the government could not spare officers from revenue and judicial work .
21 Water companies advised not to report breaches of EC rules on pesticides in drinking water .
22 It is best not to carry money in Cairo at night .
23 Inseminators are trained in hygiene and take great care not to carry infection onto farms .
24 In the I970s the fuel boards were pressured by the Labour government not to disconnect households with children providing they would cooperate in paying off their arrears .
25 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
26 Here the rhetorical approach is not drawing attention to arguments between cultures , or between ideologies , but the arguments which occur within cultures or ideologies .
27 Those who claimed a break-even or loss situation did not make allowance for home produced food .
28 The law says that once the employment contracts have been accepted by the employee , then the employer should not make changes without agreement .
29 On one hand we know that the employees can not make changes to contacts without agreements .
30 The only proposition with which they could be eliciting an agreement is that made by A : but it does not make sense for B to elicit an agreement with A's proposition .
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