Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
2 Remember that if you return home at the end of the session with the work you planned to do uncompleted you can not expect to return the next day or the next week to find the situation exactly as you left it .
3 It 's a song about running away — ‘ a Jack Kerouac On The Road experience ’ — but also about how ‘ if you do n't like this town , you 're not going to like the next town either — you ca n't run away from yourself ’ .
4 For one thing , he was not going to make the seventh ‘ Carry On ’ film , Carry On Cabbie .
5 We , at any rate , are not going to fire the first shot .
6 Then , both of them a little awkward , a little shy , not liking to make the first move , the Shotterys had walked together down the path , away from the little group at the church porch .
7 Freud had not dared to publish the third chapter of the book in Vienna .
8 Last year 's winner , Quinlan Terry , would not have beaten the second horse , the subsequent Group One race winner Ile De Chypre , had that rival not been drawn on the far side .
9 We may not have seen the last of this controversy .
10 With a son safely born , Georg Ludwig had to participate in campaigns against the Turks in the east and Louis XIV of France as part of the price to be paid , without which Hanover would not have become the ninth electorate of the Holy Roman Empire in 1692 .
11 The previous evening , I could not have completed the last fifty yards without his help , but now if he had climbed on my back he could not have been more of a hindrance .
12 Present day rent free periods can be up to a year or even longer , and the tenant will not wish to make the first payment of rent on the date of the lease where the Rent Commencement Date is 12 months hence .
13 On the entertainments side er , last year of course we had that one-off benefit with not having to absorb the first quarter 's loss and this year the er first quarter was pretty disastrous because we had an er er an er amalgamation of , of A the Gulf War B the recession and in London I R A bombing and that really stopped tourists coming to London from overseas and from the rest of the U K. But I 'm pleased to say that er we , we 're coming back very strongly and for instance in July at virtually all of our centres attendances were either up to last year very nearl very nearly up to last year or ahead of last year and er at Chessington our revenue was thirteen and a half percent up on last year which I think justifies our investment there .
14 He was showing off , as is the way with adolescent boys in the first flush of manhood ( let he who has not sinned throw the first stone ) , and , as is the way with adolescent boys in the first flush of manhood , he slipped and fell in the pool — collapse of stout party etc .
15 The hon. Gentleman does not seem to have the first idea of what happens at Social Affairs Councils .
16 Darlington Council says it can not afford to celebrate the 150th anniversary of North Road station due to its ‘ extremely difficult ’ financial situation .
17 Like the wind that guttered and blew out the candles , a bloodied man had broken through the dancers ' joy to break the glittering ball into dark fragments , yet still some few couples could not bear to relinquish the last moments of peace .
18 You do n't fancy doing the 1st div as well do you ? ? ?
19 You do n't want to spend the first morning of your honeymoon trying to re-do it yourself , so it is probably as well to stick to something simple .
20 Microsoft had i860s in its labs , but its engineers , whilst reportedly ‘ not un-impressed ’ with the part , ‘ did n't want to spend the next six years writing assembler code , ’ for the very complex processor , and shelved the port .
21 But he knew that he did n't want to spend the next few hours in his own company .
22 She was wanting to describe the nature of the malai government but did n't want to use the first words which came to mind , which were ‘ military dictatorship ’ .
23 Of course , if I had obeyed the rule strictly , I would n't have had any problems , but because I did n't want to knit the next row I thought I could move both cams .
24 ‘ I ca n't wait to read the next chunk .
25 She did n't appear to mind the first time .
26 Do n't forget to visit the first ever BBC Good Food Show , being held alongside the Ideal Home Exhibit at Earls Court , London , on March 21–24 .
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