Example sentences of "not [noun] for [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 They are not reasons for the impulses but causes that hark back to the primitive responses that we share with many animals ; yet qualified by noting that we , unlike dumb brutes , can reflect upon our impulses and resist them if we so decide , as happened in my example .
2 Section 1(2) of the Act states that the following are not inventions for the purposes of the Act : ( a ) a discovery , scientific theory or mathematical method ; ( b ) a literary , dramatic , musical or artistic work or any other aesthetic creation whatsoever ; ( c ) a scheme , rule or method for performing any mental act , playing a game or doing business , or a program for a computer ; ( d ) the presentation of information ; but the foregoing provision shall prevent anything from being treated as an invention for the purposes of this Act only to the extent that a patent or application for a patent relates to that thing as such ( emphasis added )
3 Mr Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , said what mattered was policies not personalities for the railways .
4 Although , the rule of the clock affected most people in the sixteenth century far less than it does us today , it was already sufficient to provoke Brother Jean in the Gargantua ( 1535 ) of Rabelais to complain that ‘ the hours are made for man and not man for the hours ! ’
5 However , Oxford v Moss , above , held that confidential information such as exam questions is not property for the purposes of the Theft Act .
6 In the Old Testament economy the poor tithe , the gleaning laws , the prohibition on usury were not options for the Jews .
7 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
8 ‘ It is not time for the kidneys , ’ shouted Auguste .
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