Example sentences of "he said [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said that a minority of companies demonstrated a reckless disregard for safety , and some intentionally put profit before safety .
2 David showed prudence in doing the things committed to him by Saul ; Job exemplified simplicity ( in the good sense ) for it was said of him that he was a simple man ; Solomon , in Proverbs , highlighted patience , where he said that a prince is made mellow by patience .
3 He said that a prisoner one day received a batch of letters from Amnesty members , to which the prisoners were allowed to reply .
4 He said that a company could suffer bad headhunting experiences if it was not entirely sure exactly what it wanted the search consultant to do .
5 ‘ … he said that a girl he knew once used to do it while in a handstand position .
6 In answer to a question , he said that a change in the political hue of the government would not , in the long term , make any difference .
7 He said that a man who 's gon na build a , build something , let's put it in a modern setting , the man who 's gon na , a man and woman , a couple are gon na put an extension on their house , they do n't just go down and buy a few dozen bricks , er , and a bag cement and start , they work out how much it 's gon na cost them first of all .
8 He said that a levy assessed on arrears could not work because of the problem of defining arrears and basing the levy on the amount outstanding was unfair because of the different types of debt such as an £80,000 mortgage or £100 weekly collection .
9 THE LATE Jock Stein laid down a strategy for the World Cup when he said that a team could wear working clothes to qualify , but needed to find evening dress for the event itself .
10 King Alfred had expressed a traditional division in society when he said that a kingdom must have those who pray , those who fight and those who work .
11 He said that a number of vice-chancellors see the fees scheme as a way of getting the Government off the universities ' backs , giving them freedom from detailed control .
12 He said that a rival to challenge the leadership of Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi , was set up and then deliberately brought down in order to promote Buthelezi .
13 He said if a valuer were to get accurate valuations on all the properties in Milton Street it would take more than one day .
14 He said if a man wears a jockstrap what does a women wear ?
15 He said if a doctor starved Tony he would be committing homicide .
16 No he says I could do it in a lot less time than that , he said and a lot neater , I said , you saying I 'm a scruffy writer ?
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