Example sentences of "he had [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
2 He had given me the runaround in his sleep .
3 He disputed that Royan was at risk : he had given him the correct treatment and calm reassurance — which was the essence of his treatment .
4 as if he read Wickham 's mind , Shildon wrapped up the discussion , said he had given them the important stuff and the rest could wait .
5 At last he saw that , if he was ever to eliminate his old habits , then he must refuse to do anything at all until he had given himself the directions .
6 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
7 Adam pointed to a framed cartoon , which he had given her the previous Christmas : a startled businessman gazed at a ghost ; rising from his desk drawer , it said , ‘ I am the spirit of old notes to yourself . ’
8 He had given her the capital for the first one on their twentieth wedding anniversary , when he had already bought a Georgian pendant that he dearly wished her to have , but before he chanced giving it to her he had asked her what she would like , and she told him .
9 But she was glad of that too , for she might have felt she was honour bound to refuse — she could hardly have consented without shame — but this way , he had given her the most intense pleasure , which crossed her back and forth in waves of shock and fear , redoubling upon themselves and increasing in strength .
10 She remembered how he had given her the creeps .
11 He had given her the excuse as usual .
12 Then , too , she had felt rather shy of him since Christmas when he had given her the violets and had tried not to encourage his obvious interest in her .
13 He had given us the computer codes to chalk on the outside of the boxes , but you would n't have caught him packing files into the boxes or wrapping them up with pink tape afterwards .
14 However much he bucked against it , in the end , if he wanted to survive in this world , let alone succeed , he had to do everything the schoolteacher instructed him to do .
15 Jim and Louise , however , had been forced to remain with their captor alongside the open trapdoor , until he had satisfied himself the coast was completely clear .
16 The last time he had seen him the Trollslayer had been wandering off to booze with his fellow outcast Dwarfs .
17 He had heard it the first time as a child , in his grandfather 's yurt on the Khirgiz , and going to Burun 's quarters had found him awake also .
18 He had felt it the greatest lunacy to dispatch men to crowded city parishes with nothing more sustaining than goodwill , a knowledge of the learned tongues and an unrefined familiarity with the Bible .
19 He had done what the Phoenicians had done , and the Byzantines , the Romans , the Crusaders , the Genoese and the Mamelukes .
20 He had kept himself the most aloof from the crisis so far .
21 While Sarazen felt ‘ the biggest heel in the world ’ , he also knew he had to give himself the best chance of winning the Open ; and that , regrettably , could not be achieved with his old caddie Dan .
22 Looking at her across the table , it was hard to imagine that once he had thought her the most exotic extraordinary thing in the entire world .
23 It had belonged to a man called Flowers , and they had gone to Manchester just because he had offered them the flat .
24 He had offered her the front seat for the last leg , but she had turned it down .
25 In retirement he had set himself the task of making a replica Tomkin long-case clock .
26 Thanks to whoever it was , Baldwin by the spring of 1924 was making surprisingly good progress toward the political objectives which he had set himself the previous autumn .
27 He had remembered what the escapologist had taught him !
28 Somehow he had known what the outcome of all this was going to be .
29 And my elder brother , he had told me the same thing — ‘ Babi , you are not listening to us so we are not responsible for anything . ’
30 He had told her the story , and reassured her as far as he was able .
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