Example sentences of "he had [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The real pioneer of the Italian monodic style in Germany was one of his pupils , Johann Nauwach ( c. 1595–c. 1630 ) , who like him had spent some years in Italy .
2 I said , I 'm afraid erm , you know , that so he , he had to take some time , er , we ha we took some time to find the book of the words which
3 I could say he had lost some documents , needed the dates and times of his attendance — patients visited , doctors consulted and so forth — to complete his records .
4 Perhaps , though , he might stroll out in the direction of the church hall , to see if people were coming out , then he would feel that he had made some kind of an effort .
5 He told Brown that he had seen some soldiers breaking into a shop , stealing worthless electrical equipment and shooting the protesting store owner .
6 I was surprised to hear Tim say that he had heard some owners state that horses ' mouth for sharpness .
7 He had heard some talk about an accident .
8 Take the statement that he wanted to see the German play of which he had heard some praise , and consider substituting the co-referring description " the Left-wing play whose inept performance will make him wish he had stayed at home " .
9 Several of the dormitories were flooded because of the water , including Endill 's , and he had to spend some nights sleeping in Mr Rumback 's room .
10 In the summer of 1953 he had suffered some sort of breakdown , or nervous crisis , which had been caused ( one view ) or exacerbated ( a more informed view ) by his bizarre relations with the ex-biology teacher at Blesford Ride , the public school where his father , and Stephanie 's father , taught .
11 He had realised some time before that he was becoming more and more attracted to her .
12 Only that perhaps he had manufactured some reason so that she would be able to overcome her own personal fears of being alone with him ; given her an excuse to accept his invitation to re-enter the apartment where he 'd previously abused her both physically and verbally .
13 The first point which everybody had overlooked was that Wordsworth hoped ‘ to make money ’ with Lyrical Ballads , and presumably thought that he had gone some way in making concessions to popular taste .
14 Stefan waited until he had gone some way down the road , then rushed out to the telephone .
15 When he had gone some distance from the houses he met a mysterious little girl , who suddenly.appeared from behind a rock , and said , " Why are you weeping , my brother ? "
16 But he appeared at the Old Bailey for an earlier trespass at Buckingham Palace , during which he had drunk some wine in the office of the Prince of Wales ' private secretary , and was sent to a secure hospital in Liverpool .
17 He had murmured some excuse but had been unable to refuse an invitation to supper at the vicarage during the coming week .
18 Afterwards Chudnovsky went to Semenov and , apparently , in the course of their conversation he notified him that he had received some money from Costakis .
19 Douglas was glad to acknowledge Miller 's help and told the Royal Society that he had received some coconuts ‘ germinated in this country by the industrious Mr. Miller , by whose care and skill they were brought to this perfection ; and besides he very freely communicated to me for the good of the publick his own methods in management in raising them which I here desire may be read in his words . ’
20 Within a few days he had received some opinions on it which he transmitted to Pons immediately .
21 ‘ If my grandmother can take Sir Hugh Casson to Venice , ’ he had said some months before , ‘ can I take you ? ’
22 He said he had to conduct some business with the grain merchant .
23 Michael Lee was well used to Katherine 's preference for darkened rooms ; when had had first started work for her , he had done some research and discovered that when she had operated in Dublin , she had never appeared in public during the daylight hours and always met her business associates in darkened rooms , where she was known only as Madam Kitten .
24 Through receiving so many treatments for his own various ailments he had gained some experience which was a help to others .
25 Though he had gained some leverage by systematically converting France 's dollar holdings into gold ever since 1959 , it proved impossible to disengage from monetary integration without the cooperation of France 's EEC partners , which was not forthcoming .
26 Oh he he he he he he he had he had kept some money backward you see .
27 He had to give some sort of explanation .
28 When he had ventured some distance into the forest , Little Billy stopped and stood quite still , listening .
29 Later the same morning Aitken went to Yorkshire Television 's headquarters in Leeds , where for the two years previously he had had some contacts and where the company was planning a documentary film on Biafra .
30 He had had some experience , he said , of the extent to which thoughtless , incautious young men were ‘ victimized and not unfrequently involved in utter ruin on the very threshold of their career by money-lenders who prey upon their credulity and inexperience . ’
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