Example sentences of "he can not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he is trespassing , or seeking to detain and question a person when he has no authority to do so , or challenging another to a fight , his conduct will be outside the scope of his duty , and any assault on him can not come within the terms of section 51(1) .
2 The aim , of course , is to delegate decision making to a trusted and close friend or relative who the patient feels best knows him and will speak for him when he can not speak for himself .
3 Unless a player is totally without imagination , then he can not fail to be aware of what has gone before as he makes his pilgrimage round Augusta .
4 Is the implication of the answer something that he can not cope with ?
5 In the present economic climate , he can not cope with that situation .
6 Thus he can not contribute to a reallocation of resources or products that will overcome inefficiencies and lack of coordination generated by market ignorance , since no such ignorance and lack of coordination exist in equilibrium . [ … ]
7 The answer is one of two things — a Labour government which he can not influence for the good , or a Labour government which he turns out in a few months , provoking another election .
8 You do not think like a civilised man , although your behaviour has become civilised , and so he can not ascribe to your actions motives which are suspect — or not according to his understanding . ’
9 But there have been enough jokes about the Clintons for the president to avoid any suggestion that he can not manage without her .
10 Of course , that does not always happen because the judge is entitled to draw a reasonable inference from the evidence that one party was entirely to blame even though he can not decide on the basis of the evidence exactly how an accident happened .
11 He may be frightened by crossing a road , by fast cars , by crowds or sudden noises , so that his spasticity increases ; he may panic and freeze in these situations , so that he can not move at all .
12 The patient may try to use his ‘ good ’ side to compensate for the affected side of his body which he can not move at will .
13 MPs on both sides of the Commons believe Mr Major will have to resign from Number 10 if he can not go to the Edinburgh Summit in December as EC President with an upbeat message to fellow heads of state .
14 But he can not go to ten .
15 Even if he 's your husband he can not go through the pain you went through and so can not know what it is like .
16 Larwood had a good arm , and was a useful lateorder hitter , but he can not go in any higher than No. 9 in this side .
17 Every evening he listens to one of the masters — Schubert , Schumann , Beethoven , Brahms — a habit which he can not miss without physical anguish .
18 In a sermon of August 1710 , Dr South accused the separatists and Dissenters of being " the Pope 's journeymen " who " carry on his work " and " do that for him which he can not do for himself …
19 Speaking in public , as he can not do at home , Mr Sisulu said that this weekend 's conference in South Africa called by the Mass Democratic Movement to bring together all anti-apartheid forces was likely to call for intensified economic sanctions .
20 What he can not do without infringing the duty of fidelity is to make such preparations in his employer 's time or use or disclose either the business secrets or trade connections of his employer .
21 If a surveyor does his work badly it goes without saying that he can not expect to be paid for it , but usually the client will also wish to claim damages as financial compensation .
22 Basically these problems attend many surgical operations , and the question resolves itself into whether the transsexual should be allowed to consent ; whether , in other words , the state has an interest in striking out such consent , and thereby rendering the surgeon who goes ahead liable in tort , on the ground that he can not rely on such consent .
23 When there is a stay or a suspension of execution , he can not rely on the order for possession as giving him a right to possession .
24 What is the Attorney-General 's authority for saying that he can not rely on Crown privilege in relation to cross undertakings for damages ?
25 Even if the contract is terminated , the offending party can still rely on the clause if reasonable to do so , but even if the contract is affirmed , he can not rely on the term unless it is reasonable to do so .
26 When he arrives at his destination he can not rely upon finding effective substitutes not merely for the luxuries , but for the common necessaries , which he may have left behind .
27 Since he can not conceive of a situation where the financial accounts would be determined by the budgetary information , he suggests that users ' needs can be developed in financial accounting terms and then , if budgetary information is required , it should be made consistent with the financial accounts .
28 ‘ Mother says he can not smoke in the house while I am with child . ’
29 Without it he can not attain to full powers either of learning or of teaching in any .
30 Before the Prime Minister answers , let me repeat that a Member must ask questions about matters for which the Prime Minister is responsible ; he can not answer for Labour party policies .
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