Example sentences of "he can [not/n't] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Judgment against him can not be obtained by default ( Ord 12 , r 2 ) ; but , if he does not appear at the hearing of the action he is deemed to admit the notice and is bound by any judgment , even if by consent ( Ord 12 , r 3(3) ) .
2 Eighteen months later , Thomas is making a good recovery , though he can not be diagnosed as being clear of leukaemia for another three years .
3 Understandably , he is looking for a place where he can not be reached , A Retreat where he can enjoy an unearned or undeserved equilibrium .
4 He can not be reached at this moment , and the question can not be shelved .
5 Mr Fuchs has made it clear that he can not be called to task for the museum 's deficit and has blamed two principal factors .
6 If the accused is charged under one part of s.16(2) he can not be convicted of an offence under the other paragraph : Aston & Hadley [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 1584 ( CA ) .
7 Though not resolving all problems , the Court of Appeal in Shelton ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 379 held : ( a ) if there is doubt as to whether the appropriate charge is theft or handling , both can be charged ; ( b ) the jury should be directed that a handler may also be a thief but he can not be convicted of both in relation to the same property at the same time ; and ( c ) if the jury can not agree whether theft or handling has been proved , the jury should be discharged .
8 If the accused is charged with s.47 , he can not be convicted of common assault : Mearns ( 1990 ) 91 Cr App R 312 ( CA ) and Savage ( HL ) .
9 In the United Kingdom , an employee can be dismissed from his job unceremoniously , but he can not be prevented from working elsewhere , nor can his employer throw him out of his house .
10 He can not be broken in hand-to-hand combat and needs never take a break test .
11 In addition , he can not be broken in combat , so he will not need to take a break test .
12 He can not be rid of the yearnings ,
13 But he can not be relied upon for ever .
14 If such notice is required and not given , and the party has no actual knowledge of the terms and conditions , he can not be fixed with constructive knowledge of its existence ( see for instance Spurling ( J ) Ltd v Bradshaw [ 1956 ] 1 WLR 461 and Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 2 WLR 615 ) .
15 If , therefore , a person occupies or uses land by licence of the owner with the paper title and his licence has not been duly determined , he can not be treated as having been in " adverse possession " …
16 If it is accepted , as I argue , that a judge , when sitting in his court , is frequently required to make decisions which involve an assessment of where the public interest lies and so to make a political decision , then he can not be said to act neutrally , although he may still be the person best suited to make that particular decision .
17 as if to prove he can not be ignored , Mr Castro boldly tests the limits of Moscow 's tolerance .
18 Luke 's vet 's name and number have also been provided with a note about one particular drug he can not be given — eternal optimist , my friend .
19 It being of no use for the master to say that the merchandise belongs to the owner of the ship because he can not be believed upon his word ; and he is not believed on his word when he declares that the ship belongs to the bourgeois and that there is no point to the charter party for the above stated reasons .
20 One has to call Piaget a ‘ thinker ’ because he can not be categorized as an educationist or a psychologist .
21 When an old person becomes so demented that she or he can not be contained in an old people 's home the choice is between a private nursing home costing about £400 a week or a free bed in the NHS .
22 If A knows in advance that B ca n't come , then he is being deceptive ; but if he knows that B knows that he knows that B ca n't come , then he can not be interpreted as requesting at all ( utterance ( i ) might then be a joke , or if B is in an incapacitated ( say , inebriated ) state , perhaps a gibe ) .
23 If a person is searched in public he can not be required to remove anything other than his coat , jacket or gloves .
24 God is God , not man writ large ; and he can not be spoken of simply by speaking of ourselves in a loud voice .
25 Until he is capable of doing this without a rider , he can not be expected to do so when ridden .
26 Lewis insists he can not be suborned by men in sharp suits with silver tongues and evil intentions .
27 He can not be taken for granted as simply ‘ there ’ in our religious sense , our spiritual depth , or our moral awareness , for he transcends , he stands over against all of these .
28 One Richard de Bello was canon of Hereford from 1305 until he died in 1326 , as well as being canon of Salisbury from 1298 , but he can not be identified with his namesake , the canon of Lincoln .
29 But such things have become part of himself and he can not be restrained from taking them away and using them .
30 That way he can not be targeted by missile fire or some spells and will be potentially protected from war engines .
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