Example sentences of "he and [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He must know the local language sufficiently well to follow what is going on round him and to record it with accuracy and subtlety .
2 He had brought his telescope ashore with him and mounted it in the little dormer window high up under the eaves of the steep-pitched east-facing gable of his house .
3 I pulled the coat off him and flung it onto the hawthorn bushes where it rested upside down , spilling the contents of the torn pockets .
4 ‘ The Scots do n't look very … amusable , ’ drawled Georgie , picking a bit of 1,000-year-old stone off the wall behind him and aiming it at a tent-peg .
5 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
6 He thinks the Ukrainian probably was killed and someone stole it from him and got it to Europe . ’
7 He took Duncan 's suitcase from him and put it on the back seat .
8 He made coffee , then found the piece of paper Roxborough had given him and took it to the phone .
9 There had been a steady diminution — since the operation — in his own interest in dentistry but she had tapped his experience out of him and collected it with care .
10 He picked a newly constructed swatch of samples up from the desk in front of him and chucked it at Antinou , who caught the flopping thing one-handed and proceeded to fondle it familiarly .
11 But make sure you do n't miss : as most World War One biplanes had no bomb ports , the pilot had to keep the bomb in the cockpit with him and drop it by hand !
12 Windeler took the sheet from him and slipped it into a drawer in the desk .
13 If I was you now I 'd go to him and give it to him , I tell you !
14 He hat eventually decided to ask Security 's registry and its computers for a trace muddling the trail by getting a colleague to send the request for him and burying it in a list of acronyms as if they had been collected over a period of time .
15 Jack snatched it from him and tore it in two .
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