Example sentences of "he at his [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Li Shai Tung sat back in his chair , looking about him at his fellow T'ang .
2 Deputy McDaid had given alibi evidence at Clarke 's successful challenge to an extradition order and was photographed with him at his homecoming celebrations in Letterkenny .
3 He quoted a passage from the Psalms in which God speaks to the Messiah and sets him at his right hand until all enemies have been overcome .
4 His estranged wife Danielle and their three children spurned him at his sick bed when he announced plans to wed the former Bond girl .
5 Nobody recognised him at his true value .
6 ‘ He was the original tall , dark , handsome boy at school , ’ said a woman who knew him at his senior school .
7 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
8 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
9 Looking back to her first encounter with Balbinder a year ago , when she had visited him at his previous school , she said that she had been shocked .
10 When Callahan and I visited him at his large house on Sunset Beach , it was like walking around a graveyard : every board was a headstone with memories buried beneath it .
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